I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.


  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We literally are related

    Cool, what time should I show up for Christmas dinner in December then? There’d better be lot’s of food xD

    If you don’t find the fact that we are all technically related irrelevant, you should have no issue with my previous statement :)

    Also, please don’t tell me to move along like you’re special, I’ll move along whenever I feel like it. You don’t like it then stop engaging

  • You and I are not related because we share a common ancestor, and no sensible person would make that claim based on that reasoning. We do draw the line somewhere. If you want to define all languages as related because they all comprise of sound and noise that humans make feel free to.

    Also, if you bothered reading not skimming then jumping to conclusions, you would see I linked a couple sources, so you don’t actually have to hear it from my mouth.

  • Read my other comments for a more detailed explanation, but the tl;dr of the matter is that while they are both Indo-European languages, each is from a vastly different branch family of the Indo-European language family. The Hellenic and Romance branch families for Greek and Latin respectively.

    Technically they are related, but technically if you go far back enough I am related to you too, however any sensible person would never make the claim that you and I are related simply because we share a common ancestor somewhere along our history.

    Edit: my other comments also have sources, but I don’t want to repeat myself once more, so I wont put them here as well. :)

  • No they are not. They are both Indo-European but each is from a completely different branch of the Indo-European languages. Latin stems from the Romance branch, while Greek from the Hellenic branch. Other than their common “ancestor” language group, the only other similarity I can think of/find right now is that Latin did borrow many Greek words due to the Roman’s heavy influence from Hellenic culture. However, this doesn’t mean that they are at all related.

    Greek itself has myriads of Turkish words due to the Ottoman occupation of the Greek lands (Greece as a nation state did not exist yet at this point if I’m not mistaken) from 1453 until 1821(almost 400 years), however it would be ridiculous to make the claim that Greek and Turkish are related, given that Turkish is an Anatolian language which only shares commonality with Greek due to the fact that they are both Indo-European branch families. Hence, it is ridiculous to make the claim that Latin is related to Greek simply because they borrowed many words.

    So, linguistically speaking both Greek and Latin are from majorly different language families, and we have discussed how you can’t make the claim two languages are related simply because they borrow words from each other because of various political/historical reasons.

    You are confidently incorrect.

