OK. Gizmodo is still shit.
E: wow, y’all really like gizmodo. Weirdos.
OK. Gizmodo is still shit.
E: wow, y’all really like gizmodo. Weirdos.
As it repeatedly promised, the GOP is fighting pornography. In many states, it’s winning.
Fucking gizmodo. Is they winning? Is they ain’t?
Not particularly sterile, just sanitary. Grain starter needs to be pasteurized, trich needs to be removed from bulk spawn.
I know lemmy hates reddit but r/unclebens will get anyone on the road to growing their own scooby snax. (Legal in Colorado, check local codes and laws, no refunds under any circumstances, do not bitch to me if you get busted)
Others have said it more eloquently that I can but tl;dr:
You know how you have an id and an ego in your thinking meat? A correct dose of one of the "right’ hallucinogens will just melt that pesky ego motherfucker. One doesn’t need to achieve ego death to receive benefits.
Sounds like it was an eyes on booby trap, likely a scooter that anyone interacting with would think simply had a dead battery.
There are pics of another scooter that pretty obviously didn’t have a bomb inside it, so probably just like every urban area now, couple rental scooters outside an apartment. Operator watching from a window or whatever confirms target and triggers it.
We should all agree to boo Boozilla.
Yeah, definitely going to change things
The meat is so bad. Have a look at a slice of the salami next time you’re there. Sometimes it seems more fat than anything else.
Subway is the most available fast food in a lot of rural Colorado towns, so I’ve eaten my share traveling around the state
It’s part of my fringes, I don"t have the option to take it in cash.
Wait until you get old. Just me > 50 is $1300/mo with 20% “co-insurance” in addition to deductables
Iran says they are all out, so that’s good.
WTF is a Skelator?
Saw this on reddit today, missed it 10 years ago when it was published:
Good read, I think that guy gets it.
I have “giant fucking asteroid” on my 2025 bingo card, so I hope they hold out that long.
That demo job looks like a shitshow. WAY too much dust
Well, kinda. The brain is the hardware “the mind” is the software. If we could separate the mind from the brain we could upload ourselves somewhere to live forever. So IMO my brain is just where I keep “me”.