If an app asks me to rate it, or checks what my rating is going to be before sending me to either a feedback form or Google Play, depending on my response, then it instantly gets a 1 star review
If an app asks me to rate it, or checks what my rating is going to be before sending me to either a feedback form or Google Play, depending on my response, then it instantly gets a 1 star review
SmartTube is some of the greatest software ever made
The Signal.org post about Cellebrite is absolutely brilliant
She’s a native of Port Douglas originally so she’s been up to her ears in reef stuff for a while. Thanks for the response, seems like it’s a good spot for now
European here. A friend of mine bought a house in Cairns a while back. Is it an area that’s known to have problems with wildfires? I realised this is a vague question but she was asking me about whether or not she should sell the house based on the global financial situation, but she never mentioned wildfires. I assume she’s factoring it in based on the insane wildfires you guys had a couple of years back but you can never be sure
Not to ruin the moment here or anything but this is the first properly funny comment I’ve seen on Lemmy. I used to spend most of my time on Reddit just hunting around for funny comments so I feel like the transition is now complete, so thanks
Most of the countries that are deciding to join recently are getting absolutely eviscerated by the dollar when it comes to foreign exchange, they all have very weak currencies because the dollar is just so incredibly strong relative to everywhere else.
It’s a lot more complicated than just that, but that definitely seems to be a catalyst at the moment