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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Four points:

    The profile of other is short spikes 5-100 hours a few times a year.

    1 year of delay is equivalent to 20 years of exclusively using fossil fuels for “other”.

    It’s not even obvious that adding nuclear reactors would reduce this because they’re so geographically and temporally inflexible. France has 63GW of nuclear capacity, <45GW of average load and 61GW of winter peak load with vast amounts of storage available via interconnect to hydro countries. They still use 5% gas on top of the rest of the “other” (which is about 10-25GW).

    5% of other from gas adds about 20g CO2e/kg per kWh to the total. Less than the margin between different uranium sources.

    Running 40% of the capacity 10% of the time puts your nuclear energy in the realm of $1-3/kWh. The list of ways of generating or storing 6% of your energy for <$1/kWh is basically endless.

    That’s about 4-8TW of capacity worldwide. 1kg of uranium is good for fuelling about 750W of reactor on a 6 year fuel cycle. Loading those reactors would require digging up all of the known and assumed-to-exist uranium immediately.

    Nuclear is an irrelevant distraction being pushed by those who know it will not work. You only have to glance at the policy history or donor base of the politicians pushing for it in Sweden, Canada, Australia, UK, Poland, etc etc or the media channels pushing it to see how obvious it is that it’s fossil fuel propaganda.

    It is obviously obviously true that it’s a non-solution. It fails on every single metric. All of the talking points about alleged advantages are the opposite of the truth without exception.

  • Most uranium ore is lower energy density than low grade coal. Digging it up with diesel equipment after removing twice as much overburden with explosives in a coal powered country and then milling it with 10s to 100s of litres of sulfuric acid is incredibly dirty. All of the “representative” lifecycle studies use Ranger (which uses a specific much cleaner more expensive process on ore 30-70x as concentrated) or Cigar lake which is 1000-2500x as concentrated.

    Even after that nuclear is still relatively low carbon, but about 10x a modern wind turbine.

  • Not every neutron capture causes fission. And throwing a random soup of fissile and fertile elements in a hole is how you get a meltdown or no reaction – they’re not fungible. Please stop digging your ignorance-hole deeper.

    Maybe consider that PV panels aren’t kdentical and the ones built after the WESS are not the same? But there goes the nuance-allergy nuke shills have again.

    Also this is all an incredibly stupid tangent in the first place, as renewables are renewable so long as they’re at least as recyclable as the nuclear plant. Yet again demonstrating the inability to push over your own straw man.

    Now you’re also trying the condescending from a position of ignorance tactic on top of that. Stupid and ignorant or smug, pick one.

  • This is a fallacy called Texas sharpshooter. We’ll know if they will be recycled in 20 years, how can we verify this now? How can this be an argument of any value?

    No, because there is a specific piece of legislation mandating it, a clear well costed industrial plan, and idle recycling facilities waiting for panels to finally wear out.

    What you’ve done is the “nothing can ever start happening more than it is now” fallacy which nuke shills love to roll out.

    Not understanding that bombarding Pu240 and Pu239 with neutrons produces different isotope ratios than U238 is a very good way of demonstrating that you actually understand reprocessing /s

  • You’ve now switched from closed cycle to using the dregs via reprocessing. Entirely unrelated concepts (and reprocessing is also ecologically awful and uneconomical in addition to not meaningfully reducing mining).

    In reality all solar panels in large parts of europe built since 2015 will be recycled.

    This happen routinely even in non breeder reactors, industrial nuclear nuclear reprocessing is a thing and many reactors in the world run on MOX fuel with plutonium extracted from spent LWR fuel. You only need a breeding ratio higher than 1 because otherwise fissile content will keep diminishing. Arguably there’s no more base research needed, both breeding and nuclear reprocessing are time tested process. What we need is industrial scale up, which is a little bit further than a proof of concept

    A soup of random plutonium isotopes isn’t usable for MOX. MOX-2 has never happened.

    You cannot even keep your bizarre straw man tangent straight.