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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I don’t think they care whether they are legitimate or not to be completely honest. Hamas won the election in '06 fair and square, then defended against an attempted coup…whether that leaves them as a legitimate power or not is beyond my scope of understanding. One could probably also argue that they lack of elections for the last 18 years makes them illegitimate. But regardless, Hamas is an easy excuse whether they were elected fairly today or 18 years ago. I honestly don’t think Israel would treat Hamas and Palestinians any differently if they won a fair election again next week.

  • I’ve interviewed Palestinians nearly 10 years my junior (and I’m not that old) and was always impressed by their maturity. They seem to understand things far beyond what most people the same age in my own country can. I truly believe that Palestinians live through the stress, difficulty, hardships, etc that an average person goes through in a lifetime (or more), before they turn 18. It will always stick with me just how intelligent, caring, understanding and mature these kids can be.

  • How about this section?

    1. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

    I’m sorry that you’re so down with colonialism that resistance groups fighting against oppression make you so uncomfortable. You’re whining about “Hamas calling for the genocide of Jews” yet you’re watching the supposed “Jewish homeland” (read: Jewish ethnostate) commit genocide on the people of Gaza. This to me says that you care only about Jewish life and very little or not at all about Palestinian life. You’re a racist, as all true Zionists are.

  • Israel doesn’t have to be gone in order for Palestinians to be free. People are protesting because this isn’t a war, this is resistance fighters standing up against an occupation and apartheid system. A free Palestine does not mean Israel and Zionists wiped off the map. It means Palestinians living with dignity, human rights, and self determination; things they are not given now, and have not been given for 75 years.

    Yes, there are those in the fringe that believe Israel needs to be wiped off the map. Any political situation will breed extremists. But in order for peace to be achieved, first and foremost is the dismantling of Israel’s APARTHEID SYSTEM.

    this is why we rally. Our governments must understand that we are tasking them with putting pressure on Israel to change its ways. This is how apartheid fell in South Africa.

    Free Palestine.

    Salam and shalom to all citizens of Palestine.

    Edit: forgot to add: those extremists do not represent the movement as a whole

  • Israel actually have thousands of “prisoners”, many of which are being held indefinitely without charges or trial. Usually when someone is being held against their will, without reason we call them a hostage. Israel has abducted more Palestinians during the “truce” than they have released. Israel is also seemingly responsible for many of the deaths of Israeli civilians on the 7th of October, including shooting people exiting homes in kibbutzim at the orders of the army.If you want to start sharing graphic, gory, NSFL videos, I have countless videos of Palestinian children without limbs, intact skulls, you name it. No one here is defending Hamas killing civilians. But they difference is that unlike you, we are not defending Israel killing thousands of civilians. The IOF is a terrorist army.

  • timidgoat@lemmy.catoWorld News@lemmy.worldWar resumes in Gaza after truce collapses
    10 months ago
    • Reminder that multiple Palestinian villages have been ethnically cleansed in the West Bank during the assault on Gaza, by settler militias supported by the IOF.

    • Reminder that Israel rejected early proposals for hostage exchanges opting instead for carnage on the Palestinian civilians.

    • Reminder that Israel KNEW of the October 7 attack ahead of time and failed to do anything to stop it.

    • Reminder that Israel is by all accounts a setler-colonial ethnostate imposing apartheid on the Palestinian people.

  • All the supporters of Palestine that I know absolutely support the return of any hostages, including myself. However we aren’t so one-sided to only demand that of Hamas. We also believe the 5000+ Palestinians held in Israeli prisons and military posts, many of which are illegally held without charges, unable to seek legal advice or see family, some of which are children, ought to be returned as well.

    Don’t be blind to what is happening. It isn’t hard information to find.