Seems to me there is a big difference between attacking someone’s identity and claiming the earth is flat or marijuana is bad. The fact the mods don’t seem to address this is concerning.
Seems to me there is a big difference between attacking someone’s identity and claiming the earth is flat or marijuana is bad. The fact the mods don’t seem to address this is concerning.
Sorry but simply having our needs met is not enough. You are letting one class determine how everyone else works. People want self-determination and that should be extended to all people, not just billionaires.
Brazil actually held their coup actors accountable.
Seems I guessed that right from the headline. There’s plenty to shit on, like their soldiers being sent to the Ukrainian meat grinder. But when you see “country bans cheap food” or “country requires kim jong haircuts for everyone”, don’t be gullible.
In b4 someone defends TYT: Cenk has basically said he is kissing ass because he thinks he can be strategic and talk them into populist economic positions. Problem is, the right uses him to say how the left has no good ideas.
If you’re referring to the legacy media, Trump is targeting them with lawsuits and threatening to pull their broadcasting license.
If you’re referring to internet media, like The Young Turks, then it has more to do with personalities not wanting to loose their relative privilege (access).
Whatever you just said is like demanding a burka. It’s performative stupid.
I think the fediverse is friendly enough. Instead of competing with corporations with streamlined experiences, develop power user tools that actually improve the content on the platform. Like I do want a powerful fediverse search tool, but it doesn’t need to be built into every server.
Sounds like a badge of honor to me. Maybe it can come with it’s own blue checkmark
To be fair, the author looks like he could easily be mistaken as a ghoulish CEO walking down 5th avenue. The guy has certainly made a career being their mouth piece.
I always knew those wanting to end no-fault divorces were pinko commies this whole time!
It’s unFORTUNatE because they aren’t currently making a fortune from it.
Don’t let an unfortunate genocide go to waste
Great read, seems relevant given Mexico’s own drive to bring back domestic tortillas.
Ahh yes, efficiency to “improve the … stewardship of taxpayer dollars”. So instead of actually delivering better services, they can more efficiently deny those services. Sound familiar?
Libs are carrying water for the opposition when they give in to the border security scare.
I wonder if this guy is disliked by Americans as much they dislike that UHC CEO, or is it more?
Isn’t that just what we say when we imprison people?
Shareholders can’t stop talking about this one trick to make their stocks go up.
How to alienate your daughter: