Hello, we are calling about your hip’s extended warranty. Press 1 to be connected to a hipologist and remedy this issue. Press 2 to die. Ending this call will assume option 2. Option 1 is also option 2 but with a slightly longer buffer time. Too late, you are now dead. click
. . .
I hate this dystopia.
Hello, we are calling about your hip’s extended warranty. Press 1 to be connected to a hipologist and remedy this issue. Press 2 to die. Ending this call will assume option 2. Option 1 is also option 2 but with a slightly longer buffer time. Too late, you are now dead. click
You’re not cool enough, so you need a visit to the hipologist.
Hip-hip gunshot sounds
Shareholders: horray!
Fuck that, imma install Linux on my hip
Congratulations, you can now outpace Usain Bolt, but you’ll need to open a terminal window to take a shit.
Deadman’s switch activated after not receiving a signal for 6h. Hip will explode in 3, 2…