Converting miles to kilometers and vice versa is a fun exercise to do in your head
The Fibonacci sequence (where every number in the sequence is a sum of the previous 2 numbers) has a ratio of Fib(n)/Fib(n-1) converging to the golden ratio phi (~1.618) as n approaches infinity.
A mile is 1.609 kilometers, so the ratio of phi is an extremely close approximation of that.
What this means is you can easily use the Fibonacci sequence to quickly convert from miles to kilometers using adjacent numbers in the sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …
So you can quickly see something like 5 (or 50, or 500) miles is approximately 8 ( or 80, or 800) kilometers.
Also, yiu can quickly do easy multiplication or division to figure out other approximate distance.
Say, for 6 miles. 3 miles ( * 2) = 5km ( * 2) = 10km.
For 11 miles, 55 miles * 2 = 110 miles / 10 = 11 miles, and 89 km * 2 = ~180 km / 10 = 18 km [actual conversion is 17.703 km, so, pretty close]
You can do similar approximations by using other multiples.
50 miles = 80.47 km (rounded)
50 miles = 4223989.5 hammer units (rounded)
How many football fields or double decker buses is that?
This is left as an exercise for the student.
How many bananas is that?
Is that source engine or blam? I can’t remember, or are those both wrong?
Valve engine.
Got it. Thank you
Good bot
Converting miles to kilometers and vice versa is a fun exercise to do in your head
The Fibonacci sequence (where every number in the sequence is a sum of the previous 2 numbers) has a ratio of Fib(n)/Fib(n-1) converging to the golden ratio
(~1.618) asn
approaches infinity.A mile is 1.609 kilometers, so the ratio of
is an extremely close approximation of that.What this means is you can easily use the Fibonacci sequence to quickly convert from miles to kilometers using adjacent numbers in the sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …
So you can quickly see something like 5 (or 50, or 500) miles is approximately 8 ( or 80, or 800) kilometers.
Also, yiu can quickly do easy multiplication or division to figure out other approximate distance.
Say, for 6 miles. 3 miles ( * 2) = 5km ( * 2) = 10km.
For 11 miles, 55 miles * 2 = 110 miles / 10 = 11 miles, and 89 km * 2 = ~180 km / 10 = 18 km [actual conversion is 17.703 km, so, pretty close]
You can do similar approximations by using other multiples.