He did father a child he denied to the day he died, intentionally screwed Woz out of his fair share of the apple fortune, killed himself by treating cancer with quackery. Jobs is probably more self made, but that’s about it.
Jobs is probably more self made, but that’s about it.
I just gave you some pretty major differences. To me, most things that defines Musk as the horrible person he is aren’t true for Jobs. Again: The extremist position, transphobia, the fact that he bought into his companies and didn’t actually invent these things and made these breakthroughs by himself (which is just not true for Jobs, even if you have reasons to not like him), that he just got his money by his father’s mine and hasn’t made such successes by himself, etc. All of that doesn’t apply to Jobs.
Those things you mention are just… cases of him doing awful stuff; most of them not even related to Musk in any way. But if “he did awful stuff” is enough to set him on the same layer as Musk, then he is also “the same person” as a good share of all people living.
He did not deny her until the day he died. She even lived with him during highschool, and he named a computer after her, even though he made up a bogus acronym to pretend that wasn’t his motivation.
Woz was worth $500m at one point and is worth $100m today. It’s not like he was cut out of the game, he just wasn’t interested in money or success the way Jobs was. Without Jobs drive for success, Woz would never have shared his inventions with anyone, it was just a private hobby to him.
Steve was definitely an asshole, but there are plenty of valid criticisms to levy at him, you don’t need to misrepresent anything.
’s not like he was cut out of the game, he just wasn’t interested in money or success the way Jobs was.
You really buy that? That’s some bullshit someone says when they got fucked over and know they’ll lose and come out worse if they try to get what’s rightfully theirs.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a shit about the contentedness of any of these treasure hoarding shitdragons, but there never has been and never will be a person who is fine with getting ass fucked out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Even Muskrat is throwing an endless tantrum and fucking up people’s lives over a bad deal, even though he did it to himself on purpose.
He did father a child he denied to the day he died, intentionally screwed Woz out of his fair share of the apple fortune, killed himself by treating cancer with quackery. Jobs is probably more self made, but that’s about it.
I just gave you some pretty major differences. To me, most things that defines Musk as the horrible person he is aren’t true for Jobs. Again: The extremist position, transphobia, the fact that he bought into his companies and didn’t actually invent these things and made these breakthroughs by himself (which is just not true for Jobs, even if you have reasons to not like him), that he just got his money by his father’s mine and hasn’t made such successes by himself, etc. All of that doesn’t apply to Jobs.
Those things you mention are just… cases of him doing awful stuff; most of them not even related to Musk in any way. But if “he did awful stuff” is enough to set him on the same layer as Musk, then he is also “the same person” as a good share of all people living.
He did not deny her until the day he died. She even lived with him during highschool, and he named a computer after her, even though he made up a bogus acronym to pretend that wasn’t his motivation.
Woz was worth $500m at one point and is worth $100m today. It’s not like he was cut out of the game, he just wasn’t interested in money or success the way Jobs was. Without Jobs drive for success, Woz would never have shared his inventions with anyone, it was just a private hobby to him.
Steve was definitely an asshole, but there are plenty of valid criticisms to levy at him, you don’t need to misrepresent anything.
You really buy that? That’s some bullshit someone says when they got fucked over and know they’ll lose and come out worse if they try to get what’s rightfully theirs.
Woz himself has said as much. The guy has more money than he’ll ever be able to spend. He’s fine.
That’s why I said:
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a shit about the contentedness of any of these treasure hoarding shitdragons, but there never has been and never will be a person who is fine with getting ass fucked out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Even Muskrat is throwing an endless tantrum and fucking up people’s lives over a bad deal, even though he did it to himself on purpose.
Hi, you don’t know me… but for a single hundred million dollars, you can ass fuck me out of as many hundreds more as you want.
Sounds like a deal.