like, it’s caffeine and water and brown, who cares. i drink diet soda so it’s no calories, no sugar. versus the stereotype starbucks order, why is soda so demonized
the whole sort of basically woo stuff about oh there’s antioxidants there which give you a 3% lower risk of skin cancer after the age of 65 like come on that doesn’t count
I think it’s fine. You do you.
Contrary to popular belief, diet soda is completely fine in moderation (like 20 cans per day limit), assuming your teeth/guts can handle the acidity. Source:
Coffee typically doesn’t have much or any sugar in it. It’s caffeine, water, milk. It has more caffeine than soda so it feels better to take it in the morning
You should spend some time learning how to vet sources. That’s not a reliable source.
I get that it’s a youtube video but Dr Mike knows his stuff. He goes through WHO’s recommendations and gives his practical input on the matter.
His background -
20 cans a day is moderation to you? Wow.
That’s the limit of safe intake.