Look, man. You’re substantially editing your comments after I respond to them. You’re accusing me of conflating Hamas with all of Islam when all I said was that they are a religious group, while also accusing me of having poor reading comprehension. You’re saying that the government of a nation is not a national group. You’re claiming that Israel is defending itself while it is in the process of fighting a retaliatory war on non-Israeli soil.
If anyone is doing mental gymnastics in this conversation, it is not me. I recommend anyone reading this to add a tag to this account saying “edits comments”
Look, man. You’re substantially editing your comments after I respond to them. You’re accusing me of conflating Hamas with all of Islam when all I said was that they are a religious group, while also accusing me of having poor reading comprehension. You’re saying that the government of a nation is not a national group. You’re claiming that Israel is defending itself while it is in the process of fighting a retaliatory war on non-Israeli soil.
If anyone is doing mental gymnastics in this conversation, it is not me. I recommend anyone reading this to add a tag to this account saying “edits comments”