Have you ever considered that you are crafting a subjective world around you that doesn’t exist? Nothing about this post has anything to do with firearms or the United States.
It’s a commentary on the need to respond to those who use force to dominate others, with force. The firearm, bat, or otherwise is a metaphor representing appropriate uses of violence (to overcome a fascist oppressor).
Being able to understand and interpret images and text is a skill you should have at least learned the basics of by high school, otherwise you end up misunderstanding the whole world and spend your life angry at things while everyone around you looks at you and thinks, “What?”.
I see that in many ways we are saying the same thing, but I also see based on what you write that you seem not to be able to see that…
Nonetheless, you just seem a bit disorganized and angry, nothing wrong with that, at least you are trying. My only suggestion is your application would yield much greater force if you focused on the “technique” of communication (including reading comprehension) more.
Just because people think a military needs arms, that doesn’t mean they think their unhinged neighbor needs them. The 2A says a well regulated militia should have arms, not just any rando.
This wasn’t even a debate until recently. In the Old West every town had a prohibition on guns in town. If they didn’t need them, you don’t.
Myanmar is fighting the junta with 3d printed weapons. Fuck off with that bullshit. Also Poland fought back with small arms and so did France. What it sounds like is you would play the roll of gas chamber victim. Most Jewish friends I have are armed to the teeth and their grandparents who lived through the Holocaust are fevrant supporters of the 2nd amendment. So are native Americans. Basically people who have lived through fascist rule. While you lot willingly want to disarm everyone.
You need help if you really believe that. It’s not healthy to be that afraid. You’re not going to be a partizan in a righteous war.
I am related to many people who fought and died in WW1 and 2. I know Holocaust survivors too, number tattoos and everything. Do you know how many guns they have? Like 3 disused hunting rifles total. Do you know what they say they learned fighting actual Nazis? Live your life and don’t be afraid.
You don’t need a gun to feel like a big man. It’s a safety blanket for adults. Fear is the thing that will actually kill you. King George III and Hitler can’t hurt you.
Have you ever considered that you are crafting a subjective world around you that doesn’t exist? Nothing about this post has anything to do with firearms or the United States.
It’s a commentary on the need to respond to those who use force to dominate others, with force. The firearm, bat, or otherwise is a metaphor representing appropriate uses of violence (to overcome a fascist oppressor).
Being able to understand and interpret images and text is a skill you should have at least learned the basics of by high school, otherwise you end up misunderstanding the whole world and spend your life angry at things while everyone around you looks at you and thinks, “What?”.
Found the sheltered grad student
Yes because I forgot how the nazis were defeated…with words and thoughts and prayers.
Also right now in Ukraine they’re kindly winning by sending strong worded memes and letters.
And Myanmar, they’re also fighting with just words.
You people are delusional if you think you can defeat authoritarian fascist with kindness and words and voting.
The only reason that fascist listen to is force. Get over it. Nothing in this world is given when it has been already taken by force.
I see that in many ways we are saying the same thing, but I also see based on what you write that you seem not to be able to see that…
Nonetheless, you just seem a bit disorganized and angry, nothing wrong with that, at least you are trying. My only suggestion is your application would yield much greater force if you focused on the “technique” of communication (including reading comprehension) more.
Thanks for your replies, have a nice day.
Just because people think a military needs arms, that doesn’t mean they think their unhinged neighbor needs them. The 2A says a well regulated militia should have arms, not just any rando.
This wasn’t even a debate until recently. In the Old West every town had a prohibition on guns in town. If they didn’t need them, you don’t.
It doesn’t say that. It says “… the right of the people…” meaning the people have the right mentioned. The militia is made out of any rando.
Lol tell that Myanmar. You are delusional if you think the army is going to protect you from fascist…
You brought up Nazis. It was national armies and navies that defeated them, not randos with handguns.
Myanmar is fighting the junta with 3d printed weapons. Fuck off with that bullshit. Also Poland fought back with small arms and so did France. What it sounds like is you would play the roll of gas chamber victim. Most Jewish friends I have are armed to the teeth and their grandparents who lived through the Holocaust are fevrant supporters of the 2nd amendment. So are native Americans. Basically people who have lived through fascist rule. While you lot willingly want to disarm everyone.
You need help if you really believe that. It’s not healthy to be that afraid. You’re not going to be a partizan in a righteous war.
I am related to many people who fought and died in WW1 and 2. I know Holocaust survivors too, number tattoos and everything. Do you know how many guns they have? Like 3 disused hunting rifles total. Do you know what they say they learned fighting actual Nazis? Live your life and don’t be afraid.
You don’t need a gun to feel like a big man. It’s a safety blanket for adults. Fear is the thing that will actually kill you. King George III and Hitler can’t hurt you.
Did you read their comment? They advocated for the use of force and violence although with more nuance than that.
That is because it is the only reasonable response. Only dumbasses think they can stop fascism “with open debate and better ideas”.
Ah, yes! Let the violent ideologies die on the “marketplace of ideas”…