Oh, weird, I initially read the comment you’re replying to as agreeing with your position. Like: ‘we can’t allow our side to hate, or casually joke about killing, those who disagree politically with us’
But after reading your reply I can see it being meant either of two opposite ways.
Oh I love the last line. “An idiot could operate it, and indeed many do.”
Bloodlust seeks any acceptable target. Be suspicious of your own instinct for violence. Fascists also think their violence is righteous.
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A. What does that have to do with fascism?
B. Alfred Hitchcock did not say this
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A. This is your violent fantasy
B. This is your violent fantasy
Hate cannot be tolerated.
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There’s a broad range of responses between murder and tolerance. Your bloodlust makes you the same as the people you’re so horny to mutilate.
Oh, weird, I initially read the comment you’re replying to as agreeing with your position. Like: ‘we can’t allow our side to hate, or casually joke about killing, those who disagree politically with us’ But after reading your reply I can see it being meant either of two opposite ways.