The reality is that even if they’re pretty in shape, they wear enough gear and body armor that running in that stuff is going to be quite a workout. If you and the cop are equal runners with no gear, you’re going to beat him by a mile when he has his gear on.
Surprisingly accommodating for a cop. Most would just force the guys arms anyway and laugh when it hurt him
Notice what the arrestee’s skin color is. That’s why the cop didn’t force his arms back.
Cop probably ran out of strength. It’s not as if they’re particularly healthy either, after all.
I live outside a larger city and in my town there’s maybe one cop I’ve seen who I thought had a chance at beating me in a footrace.
dont need to beat you in a footrace when they can just shoot you 37 times in the chest
Through the back that is. You threatened the cop b farting on the run after all
The reality is that even if they’re pretty in shape, they wear enough gear and body armor that running in that stuff is going to be quite a workout. If you and the cop are equal runners with no gear, you’re going to beat him by a mile when he has his gear on.