Credit cards come with fraud protection and help you build a credit score, which will get you a lower interest rate on a loan, if you need one. So long as you only spend money you have on hand, and pay off your card every month in full, there’s no down side.
is this a universal thing or are you just assuming that the entire world works like the US? Here in sweden i have never heard of anyone actually using a credit card.
The debt industry makes so much god damned money for the companies involved in it, it’s not even funny.
Between student loans and credit cards, US citizens have a collective $1.73 trillion in debt. And let’s just assume 15% interest on average (probably a low-ball to be honest): that’s $173 billion going to these companies in interest payments per year.
Shit won’t change here because too many people with too much power are making too much money.
Credit cards come with fraud protection and help you build a credit score, which will get you a lower interest rate on a loan, if you need one. So long as you only spend money you have on hand, and pay off your card every month in full, there’s no down side.
is this a universal thing or are you just assuming that the entire world works like the US? Here in sweden i have never heard of anyone actually using a credit card.
Yeah great point, the US has a very high emphasis on debt, for horrible reasons.
The debt industry makes so much god damned money for the companies involved in it, it’s not even funny.
Between student loans and credit cards, US citizens have a collective $1.73 trillion in debt. And let’s just assume 15% interest on average (probably a low-ball to be honest): that’s $173 billion going to these companies in interest payments per year.
Shit won’t change here because too many people with too much power are making too much money.