Because they ain’t confirmed shit
No, they didn’t. If they did it would be huge news.
I’m a huge UFO nerd but even I realize all this story is full of shit.
Can we please keep all of the alien nonsense off of lemmy? I don’t need conspiracy theories on my favorite platform. Even though aliens are the OG conspiracy theories and Mulder made them look real cool.
The fun conspiracy theories like aliens and flat earth are a bit fun sometimes. No need to be so grumpy.
“The goverment” of what? USA is not the entire world.
Because it is all fucking bullshit
The reason why I personally don’t care is because the USA has a history of conferming the existence of aliens when someone sees something they shouldn’t have
“the government” lol. It was like one guy who just said it with 0 evidence.
Whole thing to me feels like some kind of PsyOp or Propaganda thing to hide US testing new weapons/ aircraft etc
Who tf knows though.
If aliens visited earth the government (US or otherwise) wouldn’t be able to hide it
I care! Or at least I’m interested… What happened?
Fuck all, just more rumors and innuendo from some jackass that won’t back it up