Noone should have respect for English. English does not even respect itself by having consistent grammatical rules, or by having a distinction between the letters “C” and “K”.
“C” has a purpose separate from sounding like “K.” It can also sound like “S,” as in “centennial”, an SH, as in “special,” or make a unique sound when paired up as “CH,” as in church. Maybe there should just be a separate character for the “CH” and “SH” sounds, but that’s not how the language developed.
Probably none natural languages have fully consistent grammatical rules, so English is not that special here. But having the shittiest spelling, that’s the true crime
The lost syllables at the end of spoken French would like to have a word… Ideally a complete finished one, but we know that’s not possible
What would be a good argument but… Like about a third of English is literally French with a lot French spelling rules (including silent e at the end, for example) which other two thirds don’t use. At least in French, French rules work for all its words
English is a generative language. If I fuck up, it’ll be fine that way in a few years.
why correct word when fuzzy word do job