not OC
Made by Hans Irchter
Petah help I don’t get the joke
Haribo is short for Hans Richter (from) Bonn (a city in Germany)
I didn’t expect anybody to get it. I don’t know why I made it
Ftfy: Hans Riegel
The tagline for Haribo bothers me. “Kids and adults love it, so…”
“So” what!? Also, “so” is improper. Should be “therefore”.
I HATE it whenever brands use bad grammar in ads, like how Apple says, “come get iPhone 14”; it’s “an iPhone” not iPHONE YOU HEAR ME
I probably should have pointed out that I was being sarcastic. By “love it so”, they mean “love it so much”. It’s an old phrase that has fallen out of use.
Yarn and candy.
What in the world did I just watch
Is it sugar free?
no added sugars, only good ol’ keratin!
This is sooooo gross blonde taste like hay gotta have that spicy red head