It’s shocking to me how many people try to make cakes without fear. It just doesn’t taste the same without it
Oh I wouldn’t dare
Last time I tried that I burned my entire kitchen down
ah yes, using a highly specialized AI intended for image generation to create something that is usually in text form. truly a good judge of the quality of AI…
As far as I see it, the AI decided to label the ingredients
milk… miiiiilk.
If you don’t have fresh vedk store bought is okay
All I could find was “I can’t believe it’s not vedk”. Is that ok?
It just won’t be as schmonfy, should be good enough though
Why is it even called artificial intelligence, when it´s obviously just mindless artificial pattern reproduction?
Because it is intelligent enough to find and reproduce patters. Kind of like humans.
But it is artificial.
Because that’s what intelligence is. There’s a very funny video floating around of a squirrel repeatedly trying to bury an acorn in a dog’s fur and completely failing to understand why it’s not working. Now sure, a squirrel is not the smartest animal in the world, but it does have some intelligence, and yet there it is just mindlessly reproducing a pattern in the wrong context. Maybe you’re thinking that humans aren’t like that, that we make decisions by actually think through our actions and their consequences instead of just repeating learned patterns. I put it to you that if that were the case, we wouldn’t still be dealing with the same problems that have been plaguing us for millennia.
Honestly I think it’s marketing ai sells better then machine learning programs
Machine Learning is such a better name. It describes what is happening - a machine is learning to do some specific thing. In this case to take text and output pictures… It’s limited by what it learned from. It learned from arrays of numbers representing colours of pixels, and from strings of text. It doesn’t know what that text means, it just knows how to translate it into arrays of numbers… There is no intelligence, only limited learning.
Machine Learning isn’t a good name for these services because they aren’t learning. You don’t teach them by interacting with them. The developers did the teaching and the machine did the learning before you ever opened the browser window. You’re interacting with the result of learning, not with the learning.
Learnéd Machines
And now for the secret ingredient… fear.
I see we are using the Gordon Ramsay cookbook today. I prefer Justin Wilson, where the secret ingredient is wine for the cook
Personally, I prefer Alton Brown, where the secret ingredient is goofiness.
Oh yes, Omega Mart Milk
Is it a fucking Waitress reference
Every time I see posts like this I remember a frequent argument I had in the early 2000’s.
Every time I talked with photography students (I worked at an art school) or a general photography enthusiast, I got the same smug predictions about digital photography. The resolution sucked, the color sucked, the artist doesn’t have enough control, etc. They all assured me that digital photography might be nice for casual vacation photos and maybe a few specialty applications but no way, no how, not even when hell freezes over would any serious photographer ever consider digital.
At the time I would think back to my annoying grade school discussions with teachers who assured me that (dot matrix) printers just sucked. Serious writing was done by hand and if you didn’t know cursive you might as well be illiterate.
For some reasons people keep forgetting that technology marches on. The dumb glitches that are so easy to make fun of now, will get addressed. There are billions of dollars pouring into AI development. Every major company and country is developing them. The pay rates for AI developer jobs attract huge amounts of people to solve those problems.
And up to now we have zero indication that the current approach isn’t a dead end. Bill Gates, for instance, thinks that GPT-4 is a development plateau:
We have plenty of indication, when we look at past technologies that plenty thought to have plateaued still being improved.
Didn’t Bill Gates think spam would been a thing of the past … in 2006.
My junk folder disagrees.
Bill has made some famously bad predictions in the past. Here’s a small sample
It’s possible that the current $100 billion market size of AI and all the AI job openings are completely misplaced but that’s indication that a lot of people have pretty high expectations that AI will continue to grow.
There’s either the “it’ll never work” take or the “it’ll destroy the industry!” take, and both are kinda childish. New technologies are tools, nothing more, nothing less. Learn to use them and they’ll make your life easier. Integrate them if they’re threatening your livelihood. Learn and adapt, it’s how progress has always worked.
Some tech bro will attempt to make this cake and will tell someone it was better than anything some uppity WOKE human baker could have made, regardless of how bad it turned out.
My spouse is now mocking me because I giggled in front of a picture of ingredients. “Ooooh funny… ingredients… oh … oh … oh…”
I got potper and vedk but what’s the 2 yellow cube please help it’s urgent