They accidentally clicked “Spy” instead of “Diplomat”.
Expels? I guess I assumed espionage==death? 😅
What else is different with this timeline?
they dont want their us embassy PNGd.
What? I don’t think spies are killed at all at least except maybe 3rd world countries
Russia and all Russian aligned nations (2nd world) absolutely kill spies.
Spain is a US colony
It’s not that common. For the US at least looks like the last time was 70 years ago about.
Case was also notable as the first peace time execution for the US for espionage. Hopefully stays the last as well. Get rid of the death penalty imo.
Most often spies are just expelled and countries don’t bother prosecuting them. A lot of embassy workers that are expelled are spies with a diplomatic cover. Obviously very country to country dependent though, and it depends on the country doing the spying too.
Between friendly nations, it’s more of an ‘Oh, you!’ if noone was harmed
Spies are only supposed to be killed in times of war, and also, capital punishment in general is frowned upon nowadays
capital punishment in general is frowned upon nowadays
That’s a pretty broad statement. There’s about 8 billion people on the planet. I’m sure many still support it.
Probably not except in times of war.
deleted by creator
There was a Darknet Diaries episode on this:
TL;DW Post-9/11 the NSA/CIA were like “let us help you with your cyber security while you host this global sporting event” and after the Olympics they pinky sweared to switch it off but the US spies dug deep (presumably with the cooperation of the Greek government, yet in contrevention of Greek law) and turned it back on the very next day, and there was this one guy who worked for the main telecom company and basically knew everything (he was most likely the one who installed the exploit across the network) and then he mysteriously died.
That’s where I heard it, I find they have lost a lot of depth in more recent episodes and I think the presenter is a little sheltered and innocent. He made a strange comment about what his homeless cousin is probably doing for money on a recent episode.
It wasn’t us, it was Canada! Get ‘em!
We’re not sorry!
They’re busy dealing with Indian spies carrying out operations on their soils.
I wonder how much money did the traitor (s) was/were paid.
All countries spy on each other, even allies. You can guarantee Spain has them as well.
Probably not. Not because they don’t want to, but because it’s Spain.
Who needs enemies with these kind of friends…
The article says that they bribed agents from Spanish secret service, making it all the more baffling since the agencies share information anyway. It’s apparently and older programme that continued without the ambassador’s knowledge.