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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Land usage is what makes nuclear the most ecologically sound solution. Solar and wind play their part. But for every acre of land, nuclear tops the chart of power produced per year. And when you’re trying to sate the demand of high density housing and businesses in cities, energy density becomes important. Low carbon footprint is great for solar and wind but if you’re also displacing ecosytems that would otherwise be sucking up carbon, its not as environmentally friendly as we’d like.

  • If you calculate the cost of nuclear and include that you need to store the waste for thousands of years i

    This hasn’t been true for decades.

    High Level Nuclear waste, aka spent fuel, can be run through breeder reactors or other new gen types to drastically reduce their radioactive half-life to decades and theoretically years with designs proposed in the last few years. Only reason reactors don’t do this is lack of funding and demand for such things, the amount of high level waste produced is miniscule per year. And there are theories proposed already that could reduce ot further but nuclear phobia pushed by the oil lobby prevents proper funding and RnD to properly push those advancements to production.

  • Nuclear plants wouldn’t take so long to build if people stopped trying to sue and protest their construction and sabotage it with all the red tape. If permits were approved and certified tomorrow a new plant could be operational in 10 years. 5 if it was actually funded and supported. Building the plant is easy, its cuttinf through the red tape encouraged by the oil lobby that is takes decades

  • I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about. Nuclear displaces fossil fuels at a better rate than renewables and is just as low carbon impact as them. We could replace the entire fossil grid with nuclear in 10 years if there was public support and demand for it, but fossil giants have been parroting the same antinuclear myths and fears dor the last 70 years and its so widely spread even pro renewable people have been deluded into thinking nuclear is bad for the planet when it might very well be our last best hope of fixing greenhouse emissions without the entire world reverting to pre industrial lifestyles.

  • The fact that you’re being downvoted tells you a lot of people only got information of this Russian agent from wikileaks and other russian leaning sources.

    Downvote me fanboys. He’s a political activist sitting on info to use when it’s most politically damaging, not acting quickly as possible to stop suffering. If he really gave a damn about anything but being an information broker he would have exposed all of Russias crap they did in Ukraine and Georgia since 2014, instead he was hyper focused on making the west look bad.

    Edit: Oh look, the downvoted didn’t start till almost 7AM Moscow Time, surely that’s just a coincidence!