Your opinions are valid.
You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny
You don’t love me.
You disagree with this comment.
I’ll never interact with enough people outside the internet to get a girlfriend.
Elon Musk is a delusional man-child with a very fragile ego.
TOTK is one of the best games this year.
cars do not have human feelings
Elon musk is one of the most intelligent people on earth and will make the world a better place to live in
Not even close to be the most. The most intelligent is Cynthia (redacted) from Italy. Musk is just on the place 4.683.858.385 worldwide.
You are lovely.
I think it would be great to have the same level of control of our anus that we have of our mouth. I wanna whistle my farts.
meta humour is bad
I think black people are people, and friendly as well.
You make lemmy users happy
Here goes: Earth isn’t flat.