We are reaching bean overdrive, and I say that is enough. Updoot if you want this thread locked and buried in the ground, like beans.
Gib beans.
Do we really need more beans? If we keep this going there won’t be enough beans in the world to serve lemmings craze for beans
That’s the thing about beans, there’s always more…
No I can’t take any more beans! Soon we’ll have a beanluge! Wait, we kinda already did!
In the future this will be the measure of a social network’s active userbase. The Bean Count.
Bold of you to assume there are 4096 of us here.
I thought 2500 was a stretch
Image Transcription:
[An image depicting four thousand and ninety-six light blue 13.7 ounce cans of ‘Heinz Beanz’ brand baked beans in tomato sauce arranged in a sixty-four by sixty-four rectangle on a white background. The image quality makes the words on the can impossible to make out and very blurry.]
^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^
I would say I can’t see 8192 happening, but I said the same thing about 4096 and I was wrong, so who knows.