TIL these aren’t used anymore some places. These are on every bag of buns at all the stores near me.
These are on every bag of buns at all the stores near me.
They still use these???
Do people under 40 not buying bread?
They just download it from the cloud nowadays
I know what it is, but I have no idea what it’s called. Like, if I had to order them from the factory, I’d probably get the wrong ones.
Yes, but how many knows that you can break them in half so that the opening is split in two. Then sort of wedge it onto your finger and shoot them at unsuspecting siblings?
Do people under 40 just not buy bread in your world?
Have my updoot instead.
under 30 maybe
Yeah that’s ammo (specifically 2 rounds) in the endless war to hit <insert family member> with a covert flick of the finger from across the room!