I appreciate you exploring your sense of humour, but let’s stop using gay as an insult.
I just got down voted on a previous post for this exact sentiment… Sigh
Are they fags instead?
I’m having a hard time parsing these. Who is “he”? And who is hearing what?
Is this person talking to themself?
Yup, no idea what any of this means
I don’t even know why we’re supposed to care whether or lot Elon is gay. Are we supposed to care?
Yeah I have to also say, it’s sad we haven’t moved beyond using “gay” as an insult or ultimate put down. As though someone being gay equals being a loser. As a gay man myself, I’ve had a good life and it has been rewarding wealth-wise, so I don’t feel I am less than anybody else. Equal to, yes, but not less than.
I also wish men wouldn’t say “she” when they want to put another man down. “She’s” just being a little bitch, for example. Implying that being equated with being a female is again, the lowest possible thing you could be.
What insult do you suggest for replacing gay?
I suggest we replace assholes like you with legitimate human beings with good parents. THAT would solve a lot of the problem.
You are supremely uncreative if you can’t think of anything at all
You’re disgusting need to have a term of “insult” for gay people shows that you’re uneducated, immoral and probably also someone who puts women down for being “females.” In other words, you’re a piece of scum, and being that way is the punishment you richly deserve.
I don’t think you understood my comment at all. I think people who can’t come up with an actual insult for billionaires and politicians are uncreative.
I thought this was gonna be a ‘roses are red’ kinda thing lol
“Roses are red” ain’t gay
Twitter is love Elon is gay I don’t give a fuck What you have to say