Is bat man’s full name Batthew Man? Is his last name also shortened for the superhero stuff?
Batthew Manuel
My catthew will eat that ratthew.
I know an old lady who swallowed a dogarithm. She swallowed the dogarithm to catch the catthew…
There was an old lady who swallowed the goatse. She swallowed the goatse to catch the dogarithm, She swallowed the dogarithm to catch the catthew, She swallowed the catthew to catch the birdley , She swallowed the birdley to catch the spidifer, That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her; She swallowed the spidifer to catch the flyson; I don’t know why she swallowed the flyson – perhaps she’ll die!
Mike is short for micycle
And Bike is short for Bikerophone
Bike is short for Bichael
I prefer Ratrick.
Ratrick sees danger.
Ratrick curls into a ball.
Ratrick flees.
ominous music in the distance
“We’re no strangers to love”
Hi I’m Pritchard, you can call me Prick
Did you know? “Nickname” is short for Nicholas Name
No your Nicholas Nomenclature is the unshorten nickname.
Tather in law