The Rwandan Genocide killed 800,000 people in 3 months, including almost the entire Tutsi ethnic group. They did this with machetes and still have fields full of unburied bones. They raped half a million women and deliberately infected them with HIV. They mutilated people by the tens of thousands. The genocide only stopped when there was nobody left to kill.
I swear people have completely forgotten what a real genocide looks like. Gaza isn’t the “most transparent genocide” by a long shot.
“We’ve only killed 30,000 people” doesn’t make them the good guys.
Was that my argument?
‘Real genocide’…
Wow.Imagine gatekeeping genocide
Agree completely. I’m not diminishing the horrific nature of the atrocities currently being carried out against the Palestinians, but let’s not get caught up in hyperbole.
They said the “most transparent” genocide, not the most brutal, or the quickest one, or the one with the most people killed.
the mainstream media continue to limit criticism of Israel to humanitarian issues arising from its conduct of the “war,” paying virtually no attention to the near unanimous ICJ rulings, and to the dehumanization of Palestinians by the language and tactics relied upon by Israel. Without using the word “genocide,” they reconfirm in word and deed the genocidal character of the assaults on Gaza
I think what they mean by “mosy transparent” is that it’s the most widely reported by the media, as well as downplayed as it happens.
My read of the article was that “most transparent genocide of all time” meant “most obviously occurring genocide when viewed in real time”. I think that’s a fair take having checked again. With that definition in mind, the claim is laughably hyperbolic.
The majority opinion, backed by the ICJ, is that Gaza has the potential to devolve into genocide but currently does not meet the definition. So we’re already wildly off the claim. Add to that literally dozens of past genocides that were widely reported on and universally recognized as such and the claim just falls apart.
That is not what the ICJ ruling means. They do not have the power to convict nations or individuals of genocide. It was simply a preliminary hearing to see if a full trial is warranted. You’re misrepresenting the courts decision either ignorantly or maliciously.