Study hard, and you might be able to afford a house in another country.
The slavery used to be a lot less obvious, but now… Everyone can see it.
Depends where you’re from. Some have it way easier than others.
When colonialism backfires
I’m responding to rustyfish and felykiosa. People from French colonies are French citizens and can therefore comparatively easily emigrate to mainland France.
Backfires as in every country can take a limited number of migrants and usually try to reserve most of their capacities for people who actually need them (people fleeing from oppression, war or other life-threatening situations) instead of taking many people who just come for the better economy (this way the economy in their homecountry won’t get better)
In some countries you have no choice
We need more workers
*Treat workers like shit*
Why are people leaving?!?!?!?
I’m leaving because I’m tired of the lack of public infrastructure and healthcare. I just want to take a bus and train to where I want to go and feel comfortable knowing I can go to a hospital and leave not broke.
I failed the citizenship test for my country by a wide margin 😥. Guess imma be deported for not knowing about cricket 40 years ago
Gonna go with a blind guess and say either Pakistan or India lol?
काश यह सच होता 😭 Nah I’m from the UK and the test is really strange and involves a lot of stuff important to my parents and laws in parts of the country I’ve never been to so pretty much studying is mandatory.
If I’m going to get fucked by the rich I might as well get paid