It’s not cool of you posting pictures of me online.
my desire to shitpost
This right here. I post so much on here because of my uncontrollable meme addiction
Desire for isolation won. I don’t reach out anymore and I don’t respond to DMs anymore. I felt lonely for a while but the feeling has now faded. It’s honestly better this way.
Check your DMs, bb
I want to comment more and more, but I need to stop myself half the time, because I know it doesn’t add anything, not funny, or will just get hated on cuz I’m ignorant of most situations/people
git gud n00b
real :(
putting yourself out there is how you get less ignorant.
It’s what creates a lively community, though. As long as you’re not being a dick, it’s alright.
Yeah, that’s why I write shit on the internet :D
Introverts, UNITE! WAIT NO!
Unite, but separately, each on your own time.