The inventor also said it’s “jif”, and I ain’t saying that either. Also, the patent doesn’t indicate whther that’s the front view or the back view. It’s displaying a roll in a vacuum.
You’re right, of course. Patent illustrations traditionally show the item only from behind.
Patent illustrators show the item in the way that is most useful to describe the patent.
Mounting is not illustrated.
it’s amazing how much patent illustrations and my pornography have in common.
Why is this in c/Lemmy Shitposting?
The patent explains the intended use for that kind of paper.
TP, shitposting… You don’t see the connection?
I need TP for my bunghole!
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
Patent got filed on double reverse patent day. Draw 4.
What if it was accepted on a triple dog backwards day though?
Crap. I’m sorry. I don’t know French.
Yes, correct
We actually have a nice print of that hanging in the bathroom
Does it trouble you at all that the diagram doesn’t specify where the wall should be?
Wait… Do you not have your toilet paper just hanging in the air?
That’s a good idea. Maybe a wood print. I like it.
This is the one we have. I actually got it from their kickstarter years ago:
What in the terrible photoshop I looking at.
Why is there two gigantic rolls on the ground?
Heavy days?
Bad design. Toilet paper not currently in use must be stored outside the bathroom so that it doesn’t become damp and musty from the humidity. As opposed to on the wet floor next to the dewy toilet. This is how you get a nasty fungal infection fyi
If the bathroom and toilet are “dewy” the bad design falls on the house itself.
In hot, humid climates the toilet bowl itself will have condensation that sweats down the outside in my experience. YMMV
Oooh. That makes more sense.
In less humid/hot locations, this isn’t really an issue. The outside of the bowl is cold, but rarely collects condensation.
The only way for it to get wet and create a problem is when guys have bad aim and don’t have the decency to sit down because of their bad aim.
If you use the TP after that, you get what’s coming to you.
…Is your bathroom a swamp?
He lives in a hut in the rainforest maybe?
LOL my god, I was gonna say. OP apparently lacks a rudimentary immune system as well. Or, is shoving that tp way, way too deep. And leaving it there.
My wife got me to install a bidet. Can’t remember to try it. Been 8-months, still forget.
You’ve had a bidet for 8 months and you have yet to experience its wonders?
I’ve had a bidet for years and never used it. The rest of my family does, but I have no interest.
It is far superior and unmeasurably more efficient.
Actually you can measure it, by the amount you save on shit tickets.
Eh, different strokes for different butts. I don’t see how having a wet/moist ass is more efficient. I have one, and don’t use it unless I’m particularly interested…in extra cleanliness. It’s not for everyone.
Being in the general vicinity of mold won’t give you a fungal infection unless you don’t wash. I recommend against placing toilet paper directly inside your rectum or vagina, however.
I recommend against placing toilet paper directly inside your rectum or vagina, however.
I don’t understand. How do you use toilet paper?
In my case, external surfaces and creating a paper mache dong extension.
Or anyone else’s for that matter.
Username does not check out.
If you have humidity problems in your bathroom, get a small electric dehumidifier. They’re less than 30 bucks and they’ll fix it right up.
Shrödinger’s Roll
It should be on a pivot so it always faces where youre pulling from
Bastards incorporated!
I love how everyone arguing against this mentions cats - and never toddlers.
It really speaks volumes to the types of users on Lemmy :)
Putting the roll on backwards doesn’t stop my cats. I have to have a towel draped in front of the roll.
And my toddlers both just turned it back around!
Another proof that children do have ingrained morals
OP is still right, but I hate what you’ve posted.
this one would be the alternative
I like this one more.
I see nothing that indicates that that is the front of the roll
Are we looking from the perspective of the user or the wall?
Yeah, the illustration shows nothing, we don’t know which side is which anyway.
I like this shitpost
Thats the ‘cat free house’ way.
Eh. I taught my 2 cats to not touch it. It’s not difficult.
HOW‽ If I could I would
Honestly I sometimes wonder how I did it, because my cats listen to me and rarely do something I don’t want them to.
Im firm with them, never loud, never hit them or push them. Consistency might be the key. Always tell them no the same way, as many times as it takes. I’ll give them something else to play with if they’re ripping something up too.
They’re smart, if you spend the time with them.
Exactly this. Had a friend struggling to teach a kitten. He had the habit of sounding stern, but not following through, simply pointing like a threat. It even confused me, let alone the cat
Within 1 hour of me consistenly spraying the kitten with water and using the same tone, the kitten started to hesitate when wanting to jump on the counter. It learned not to do so quickly after that.
I have had many cats and have never had a problem with them grabbing the toilet paper.
I had cats my whole life and never had this happen.
I’ve never paid a single bit of attention to which way it goes on. I spit into the face of this entire debate and it’s never done me any harm to do so. I’m a cat owner too. The roll goes on either way, it’s fine, and I’ll never change my mind.
Someday if you ever live with another person you’ll figure it out.
I’m happily married. Has never once been an issue.
Is your SO also a “super cool edge lord that bucks the trends of society”? Because you’re just so cool?
Nothing about being an edgelord or cool. Its just not a thing that’s ever been an issue in any relationship, even ones I fucked up. It’s not even a thing I ever once heard talked about anywhere aside from the internet. It’s just a shit post argument that doesn’t matter, regardless of how you do it. Just an empty little thing people like fighting about online for whatever reason. That’s what I spit into the face of.
Wtf says things like “spit in the face of”, and the other cring phrases you use.
Be better.Nah. I’ll be as cringe as I please. Don’t need your permission.
Not for you…
What the fuck were they doing for toilet paper before 1891?
Farmers almanac.
Sears catalog and corn cobs. No lie.
Smart. One for the front, and one for the back.
This post sent me down a rabbit hole.
The funniest one is the Japanese “chuugi”, translated to “shit stick”.
As absolutely batshit crazy the world is right now, it’s important to reflect on what we do have. And thankfully it’s advanced beyond shit sticks.
Imagine getting an asshole splinter?
No. No I will not imagine that, thank you very much. Kittens are cute. Kittens are cute.
I dunno, but it probably involved slaves.
Various other things like leaves, rags, sponges, or leftover paper. Failing that a bare hand works: manners dictating you wash it after.
Some cultural hangups on the left hand being “unclean” stem from those cultures using that hand for hygienic reasons.
A rag on a stick, frequent trips to the river, their left hand, nothing at all and the three seashells. We’re some other options.
We’ve still got a few years until the three seashells take over and Taco Bell wins the franchise wars.