Maybe next life…
The fact that the US elected (through a crazy system but anyway) a creepy tv “personality” is already bad but after all that you guys are going to do the same again?! And this time I would say you had a chance! You could yake biden out and choose a younger more popular person but he refuses to go. I would say it would take Michelle Obama going in the run for trump to lose, but i’m not even american idk
“But you are going to vote, right?”
“No, I’m going to sit here waiting for the dumpster to catch fire, the flames to jump and engulf me.”
“Plus everyone around you. Please vote and help avoid it.”
“No, I only vote for the one person on top, don’t care about the THOUSANDS of employees and appointees that actually do the grunt work of running the country. And don’t bring up the Supreme Court, I don’t want to think long-term about anything.”
“That is absurdly self-defeating.”
“bOtH cAnDiDaTeS aRe ThE SaMe LoL mUh NoN-VoTe iS mUh PuRiTeH!”The good news is that your descendants will look back at us with enough horror and disgust and pity to maybe do things better before the next fall of Rome. Probs not tho we kinda suck.
Which country/region/city is this about?
United States/all/all
I always thought “so,” when used to roughly mean “thus,” should be spelled with one “o,” but when used to mean “very,” should use two. It would sort of be analogous to to/too.
And so I went to the park, but it was too hot and soo humid.
You don’t understand, electoral reform means fascists and communists would sometimes get elected to congress
The fall came less than 10 years after america elected it’s first black man as president. That’s how long it took for racists to decide America just wasn’t that great after all.
We didn’t try it because nobody in power wants it. In the neoliberal Democrats’ case, they hate the idea so much they’re willing to let the country descend into fascist dictatorship instead.