(Not sure if other stuff too.)
(Not sure if other stuff too.)
“South Korea as a nation dodged a bullet, but President Yoon may have shot himself in the foot,” said Danny Russel, vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute think tank in the United States.
I bet my man Danny came up with that line in the shower. I dig it.
It’s completely context dependent; you’re right that using male/female is appropriate for humans in certain contexts, e.g., medical usage (“Patient, a 47yo female, presented with…”). But it is — for cultural and historical reasons — generally considered inappropriate to refer to our fellow humans that way in conversation.
Re: mutt, fair enough. Bitch/stud are examples of how animal terms, when applied to humans, take on very different meanings. Purebred is afaik not specific to species, but it is wildly inappropriate to refer to people as such.
At the end of the day, the logic behind what is and is not appropriate has history behind it; animal terms have been used extensively to refer to subjugated peoples; it may be scientifically accurate but that doesn’t mean that it’s inoffensive.
Of course we’re animals, but let’s use some common sense wrt cultural norms here. A dog of mixed lineage is mutt, but it’s completely inappropriate to refer to a multiracial person as such. A female dog is a bitch, a male is a stud; the sexism is pretty obvious when applied to humans. It’s fine to talk about owning a dog; it’s not ok to talk about owning another human (except perhaps children, in certain contexts).
Yes, we are animals too, but that doesn’t mean we should talk about each other in the same way. (And I say this as a vegetarian who thinks we should treat all animals with significantly more respect than we currently do.)
Unless we want to use group pronouns like we do with animals.
I’m pretty sure that’s exactly why referring to women as “females” is problematic — using male/female as nouns is fine for animals. Humans, not so much…
Anyway, how’s your sex life?
I always say I have a 1969 Wayne Industries Batmobile. Usually a sheepish, “oh, um, we don’t cover that, sorry. click”
This joke is where the Led Zeppelin song name comes from'yer_Mak'er
Any chance you have a DMZ set up on your router?
On your router, are there any settings specific to any host (other than the server maybe)? For example, a static IP or a port forwarded rule.
Do you have a VPN on the phones? Can you traceroute from your phone to the server and post that? (I like PingTools for Android.) You should have 1 hop (you -> server, nothing in between).
Can you verify that you are on the same wifi including same wifi channel? Phone on 5GHz but Linux box on 2.4GHz, for example.
Some mobile clients make it easy to accidentally downvote. I sometimes see that I accidentally downvoted a comment from time to time.
PingTools has been useful for me (though I mostly just use it for iperf).
Am I traveling with a fixed per diem, or do I need to submit receipts/costs for reimbursements?
Totally unscientific observation, but it seems that at airports they rarely ask if you want a receipt, and just assume that you do — which makes sense in the context of business travel.
I think it’s a reference to the vice presidential debate with Pence in 2020:
Could be wrong though.
My toddler does that.
It can be extremely luxurious if you pay.
I’d rather get to my destination with my wallet still in tact, but you do you.
My favorite hypercorrection (a hyperforeignism, if you like) is “habañero,” and really stressing the “ñ” when you say it.
Except it’s just “habanero,” plain ol’ “n.” The confusion is presumably due to “jalapeño” having an accent.
Imagine I have two choices: end world hunger, or end world hunger and kick a puppy. If I choose to end world hunger but also kick a puppy…well I’m kinda a dick, right? Ultimately I did a very good thing ending word hunger, so on balance, my actions are “net positive.” But the choice I actually made was to kick a puppy.
Now, I need to eat. So I have a choice: eat yummy food and don’t kill an animal, or eat yummier food and do kill and animal. The choice I’m effectively faced with is, “kill an animal for better taste.”
It’s totally up to you to decide if that is a good choice for you personally.
If course it’s not always so simple, and there are financial, cultural, and health reasons that complicate this. But for some folks (like myself) that’s kinda how I view it.
Property can take a while to close — offer to title in under 30 days is on the quick side.
Of course, you could probably close very fast if you offered 100M cash on a 10M property…
It’s maybe not that bad for a “normal” person, but Bill Nye was a real hero to a lot of young folks, be they aspiring STEM types, science enthusiasts, or just curious people. So to see him sell out — abandoning scientific integrity for a quick buck — was pretty disheartening.