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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024

  • France made a big mistake to go all in.

    Not only does Germany import electricity from France (which comes from…?), but Germany has (according to this) a substantially higher carbon footprint per capita.

    If the only issue is cost and projects taking longer than expected, isn’t that a good tradeoff for carbon neutral power?

    And yes, of course, I would prefer renewables, you would prefer renewables, we all would. But it’s somewhat disingenuous to decry the use of nuclear, advocate for renewables, and at the same time, rely heavily on coal, as Germany does (or at the very least, did recently.

  • I’d definitely recommend getting a credit report (not from the websites that advertise with an insane jingle, but from the actual credit bureaus — you’re entitled to a free report). Mine had debt from a relative with a similar name; I was able to get that removed. They will also tell you in more detail what goes in to calculating it.

    I agree that it’s not perfect, and often very opaque, but you should be able to get some understanding of why she doesn’t have good credit.

  • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlthe debt
    25 days ago

    …except that it used to be that your ability to secure a loan was based on where you went to school, how firm your handshake was, and if you happened to have the right skin color and sex organs.

    The current system certainly isn’t perfect; and if you’re denied a loan you have a legal right (in the US) to know the reason.

    There are systemic issues, to be sure. But the nominal goal is absolutely better than what we used to have.

  • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.websitetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCar
    26 days ago

    Probably because we don’t dead reckon off the position of the gas pedal, but rather, our mental shortcut is, “clutch is furthest left pedal.”

    As others have said, brake on automatic tends to be a wide pedal. Pedals on a smaller car or sports car tend to be small and very close together for heel and toe and whatnot.

  • I did this in undergrad. Campus security stopped me, I argued, he called his supervisor on the radio. We chatted for a while, and turns out he was from Venezuela, had studied what I was studying, and was an overall pleasant character. Supervisor response was basically, “wow college kids think they’re really clever don’t they?”, and I was asked, politely, to cease.

    I felt like a bit of a dick after that.

  • I think this is the real question.

    Did they quit and join a competitor who offered a better WFH option? Or did they get a taste of the good parts of white collar pandemic life — no commute, flexible hours, work from anywhere — and decide that actually, their entire identity is not just their professional life, and maybe they should retire to see the world/spend time with family?

    There are definitely some high profile rage quits over return to office, but I think there are a lot more of the “hey this was fun but time to take care of myself” quits.

  • The headline in the linked article says something which is patently and demonstrably false. That’s my only point. Yes, it’s “just the headline” and we all should RTFA all the time, but still — it’s a factually incorrect statement. (Had it been, “…Isn’t Telling Us The Whole Story,” that would have been nice — it’s a matter of opinion still, but it’s not patently incorrect.)

    From the linked article:

    Israeli officials just rejected a cease-fire deal that could have brought hostages back because Israel wants to continue waging war. This should be a scandal — but American mainstream media isn’t reporting on it.

    From the AP article:

    Egyptian officials said that proposal called for a cease-fire of multiple stages starting with a limited hostage release and partial Israeli troop pullbacks within Gaza. The two sides would also negotiate a “permanent calm” that would lead to a full hostage release and greater Israeli withdrawal out of the territory, they said.

    The linked article is very much an opinion piece. Claiming “Israel wants to continue waging war” is an opinion, and yeah, it seems pretty obviously true, but “Netanyahu wants to hold on to power, and waging war is his surest bet” is another valid (IMHO) opinion. But again, opinion, so at some level it’s a matter of taste (my point really is that ascribing motive to someone or something is getting into the opinion business, no matter how obvious things are). But to claim that the “American mainstream media isn’t reporting on it” is pretty disingenuous.

  • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlLinkedin
    2 months ago

    I can suggest an equation that has the potential to impact the future:

    H|ψ> = E|ψ> + AI

    Here, I have chosen the time-independent Schrödinger equation, to symbolize the fact that AI is the most important innovation of all time.

    This is all bullshit of course. Everyone knows that the AI term should be included in the Hamiltonian anyway 🙄