Dude… drink more water.
My dude, what are you putting in your iced tea
They said serve “on the rocks” so I do.
Does tea demineralize bone? Can we get Chubyemu in here to last down some facts please?
It can, but you have to go wildly out of the norm for this to be so. Like, I have serious kidney issues, and I hate plain water. My nephrologist said me drinking 1-3 gallons of iced, and hot, tea per day is fine. The only time it becomes an issue is when you have have extremely concentrated black tea. Even then you would have to be drinking a lot of it, like a lot. He cautioned on tea mixes because those can add sodium, and of course not to use sugar, but that it would be little different than drinking water otherwise.
Have you tried adding lemon juice to plain water?
I do it for the taste when our town water is over chlorinated (certain times of year), but I’ve heard that it helps prevent kidney stones as well.
That’s horrible for your teeth. The odd acidic thing is fine but constantly sipping acidic things is really bad.
Chlorine evaporates. You can put it in a jug for a day, or boil your water.
1-3 gallons seems insane to me. Sometimes when I get a little wild with Arizona my pee starts having crystals in it which is basically “Hey fuck off or stones are next.” I can’t imagine drinking a gallon+ a day and not being able to start a healing crystal shop with my dick.
I do a lot of hiking and shit. every day, almost. so i sweat a lot, like i can wring my hair and clothes out, a lot
also I use a simple black tea and some lemon, with nothing else. From what my nephrologist tells me, it sounds like you have some sort of issue processing it.
Obviously this isn’t OP, but that dude is cray cray, he loves Ice Tea so much that he doesn’t mind cloggin up his own kidney and urethra, but more worried about some voodoo cleaner antics, that shit is crazy bro
No appreciation, voodoo cleaner is warding off evil spirits
Wtf is in that tea‽
He must have mistaken the Krystal meth for ice
Tea contains oaxalates which are a main component of kidney stones. However, most studies indicate that you would have to drink a ridiculous amount of iced tea to cause stones to form. I think he probably just developed them through usual means, did a little internet research and convinced himself it’s the tea.
And then continued drinking the tea that he thought was causing the kidney stones.
I mean shit right? Where can I get some of that tea?
I love screaming in public bathrooms, and my acting teacher told me make the role your truth. I’m just being authentic.
Well, right, just like if you keep eating at Chipotle you need Chipolt-a-way
Nice interrobang bro
Why thankyou!
It’s hella bangin’
I’m starting to think it’s part of a growing Lemmy dialect
I’ve been using it pretty consistently for several years now. I think something about Lemmy attracts the type of people that use interrobangs, rather than Lemmy creating a culture of interrobang use.
it’s dead simple: lemmy is like 90% nerds
I’ve been trying to get the semicolon to take off; haven’t had much luck though.
When I was a teenager I used it a lot; irritated the hell outta people for some reason lol
I had an eloquent friend who used them in college. The advice he got from TAs (many were from overseas) was to not use them.
I got that advice as well – the explanation given to me was that it’s almost always used incorrectly, so just be safe and don’t. However, I like the way it makes writing more closely resemble natural speech; we usually talk in conjoined clauses rather than complete sentences.
Yes the TAs were wrong.
this is fucking cursed
I do what I can
What you can is scar hundreds of people…
God speed soldier.
Goodwill hate group with Ken m style posts. I like it.
What can I do?
Respect the people who clean up your solid waste in a urinal because you didn’t?
Nah man she is looking to smoke meth with you
Well that’s a jagged little pill.
Lol. What?