Please make it stop
Some call girl service started spamming Lemmy yesterday. Today they’re all over the fucking place.
So maybe it’s not worth the trip to India? Do you think there are any call girls in my area?
Why go to India? They offer free delivery!
30 minutes or less, or your money back!
There’s all kinds of call girls in $USER_LOCALE waiting for you here!
Should I bother reporting these at this point?
Doesn’t hurt, at least it allows
- your instance admins to hide the spam
- the mods from the community to ban the user from posting
- the instance admins from the user that is sending spam to ban the account entirely
Please do if it’s not removed already. There were multiple different accounts on different instances and it’s good to make sure all of them have been caught.
some spammer made 20 accounts on different instances and just made a lot of simultaneous posts with the title that is depicted in this image.
thanks for the laugh OP. and thanks to whoever flagged this so i could see it in the mod queue while resolving the deluge of reports about this spammer.
also: this is my 1000th comment.
this is my 1000th comment.
Spammer detected, report button engaged
Congratulations! On to the next 1000!
Heh. That was pretty good, quality meme-ing.