cross-posted from:
I think the use of this meme format already counts as one
Hello fellow Net-heads. My name is Wilbur Arnofsen, I live on 326 Cherry Lane in Sansquata, Michigan, very pleased to meet you all. I’ve heard great things about the information super highway, but I’ve also heard their may be some… problematic things, things like p**nography. Does anybody know the worst sites that I should be on the lookout for to block my kids from looking at those?
Thanks, Wilbur Arnofsen III
56k modem sound intensifies
i’m only 5, but i’ve had enough of Regan. anyone else see Star Trek IV?
Google sandwich
What did you type? All I see are asterisks
Fuck I’m old.
What is the first word you typed? I only see **** I’m old
As a young person, who only learned about IRC a couple years ago. I am amazed that people still remember this single quote so well.
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
Sent From My Iphone
how did you do that?
I received a chain e-mail saying that If I mail the person who sent me this $1 and forward the e-mail to all my entire contact list, I will be a millionaire. There are hundreds of email addresses in the body of this email from all the forwards that have happened before it was forwarded to me. How cool! Unrelated: how are all these spammers getting my email address? I only gave it to all my friends and family. And my friends/family only send me cool chain emails and funny jokes. e-mail is a new technology, so surly they will fix this spam problem by the year 2000.
If you read this you are dumb
5 min ago my lemmy all turned spanish…all the tabs, preferences…etc. I went into preferences and made sure they were checked to english…they were…what is going on? I cant read spanish so I am in need of some help here…i am asking you b/c I cannot find the mod help link b/c I cannot read it.
recuerdo esto, bien hecho
Simplemente vaya a su página de preferencias y busque la opción de idioma apropiado.
Creo que puedes cambiar eso en la configuración de idioma.
I just won an iPhone!
Millionth visitor!
help how to minecrafy
minecaf xray cheat
I’m a prince from Nigeria and I need your help!
FuCk ThE sYsTeM. aNaRcHy RuLeS.
MEsS WitH tHE BeST, DiE LiKe tHe ReSt
Acid Burn and Crash Override, such a classic coupe.