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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • People pay attention to who is leading in the polls and more likely to win. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but there’s a huge portion of the population that wants to be “on the winning side”. So whichever candidate is getting reported as the strong leader in the news, gets their vote. The news includes the super delegates in their reporting, despite the fact that the super delegates have only voted against the popular vote one time in all of history. So, the whole situation is misleading for the masses because they don’t understand how the system works and they want to vote for the “winning” candidate. The DNC understood how this would play out when they created the super delegates, and it has served them well in installing a pro-institutional candidate in all of the elections. After 2016 there were reforms made for the 2020 election about when super delegates can vote and the way they’re reported due to strong backlash from Democrat voters over the shenanigans they pulled against Bernie.

  • There’s an app called GeoCache which is a fun way to learn a new area. People hide caches all around your city. The app shows you their location and you go find them, leave whatever you want inside (usually you just sign the log book), and then put it back. It’s a pretty neat little scavenger hunt when you’re in a new area.

    If you’re interested in meeting new people, look for a board gaming store. They’re not common everywhere, but around here there are a few and they host public game nights. I met a few people on D&D night.

    Idk if you have any interest in hunting, but the state hunting license class is pretty neat, teaches you a lot about wildlife conservation, and gives you an opportunity to meet and interact with local outdoorsmen.

    The Fraternal Order of the Eagles has clubs all across the country, and they have awesome club houses. They’re usually like a private restaurant or bar, often have game rooms, and host things like private poker tournaments. It’s open to both men and women, despite the old-school name. There’s some racism in their past, but that’s all ancient history now. They’re a really open group, at least here they are.

    Last but not least, introduce yourself to your neighbors. If any of them are cool, invite them over for a BBQ or something. Or go out with them to do something fun, like hiking, biking, climbing , or shooting. The closest friends I’ve made since moving across the country have all been my neighbors.

    Edit: adopt a dog! Dogs will keep you active, give you companionship, and increase your chances of meeting a human. There was a recent study that showed people walking dogs are way more likely to meet people while out than people by themselves, especially if the person is a male. Plus, they’re just awesome. There are tons of benefits to owning a dog, including being happier, and living longer.