His supporters don’t ever shut up, despite how uninformed they tend to be.
His supporters don’t ever shut up, despite how uninformed they tend to be.
Ontario did this too. Took a few weeks tops, and now we pay the same as we always have, except none of the money goes to our roads, just to big oil.
Thanks Ford.
We do, in Ontario we have grey squirrels and red squirrels, and same thing you can take I think 5-6 a day during the fall season, but no touchy the loud ass tiny redheaded Dingus that is blowing out your deer stand…
Also we have black Grey squirrels here, so I have been known to say to a red squirrel “hey friend. Don’t worry, shut up I’m not after you, but if you have any black friends…”
Then I die inside.
I wish. Dude didn’t have to worry about what it costs. Otherwise the best punishment would have been for the gunman to leave him crippled and poor in the system. He got off easy.
Man my dad’s old squirrel gun (.22 semi) doesn’t cycle subsonics, and it doesn’t have a silencer, so that absolutely tracks.
Only in the short term!
Absolute hero the guy in the chair trying to kick the pig.
Don’t know how he ended up in that chair but that obviously doesn’t stop him from doing what’s right. By Grapthars hammer, someone’s gotta kick that cop!
Alan Rickman, what a treasure.
Very interesting take, Very Talented Technical Dancer. You really gave us all something to think about.
What makes you think these decisions were “ad hoc?”
What do you think ad hoc means? And what part of “we checked out this athelete and she met all of our criteria to compete in womans’ boxing” don’t you get?
What failing do you think the IOC commited in allowing a cis woman to compete in womens’ boxing?
Thank you.
I think human memory and recollection is too inconsistent to apply that label fairly.
If the cops had been around the corner when it happened and then claimed they saw it then you are right, they should face equal consequences for lying.
But if they were near enough (and the video shows some of them? Than a combination of the sounds and movement and immediate aftermath can and does totally shift your perception of reality.
Quick story: I was at work and I heard someone say something angry behind me. I turned around and “Bob” suddenly shoved “Alex”. Alex shoved back and they started screaming. I got in between and broke it up, facing Bob and basically keeping him from continuing after Alex. The bosses showed up and Bob started going off screaming about how his was gonna kick Alex’s ass and let’s go outside and blah bla blah he shoved me!
I barked at him “You shoved Alex first you need to calm down!”
And he stopped dead and looked at me. “FUCK YOU YOU LIAR.” And a rant about how I was best friends with Alex (I wasn’t, but sure did like him more than Bob) and I would like to get him fired ect ect.
Now Bob was (probably is) an asshole. He ended up getting fired for berating a coworker and then coming to blows with a supervisor who told him to knock it off.
But after I dismissed his accusations and moved on with my day, I started to think about what happened.
I didn’t see anything before I turned around. But I did hear a yell, like a yelp… Like someone being hit…
So I was 100% convinced of what happened, until I gave it some deep thought much later. If Alex had have stepped up and said “yeah! That’s what happened!” I don’t think I would have ever second guessed it, I would have put my career and reputation on the line…
Anyways, they may be fully lying and colluding, but there is a non-zeeo chance they “remembered” it like the victim claims.
ACAB but I wouldn’t put too much weight in the other officers intentionally lying. The incident happened so fast I’d assume 3 of the 4 didnt even catch it from the right angle and are just going off of what Dumbo says happened.
Cancan Dan should go to prison for the same sentence as the crime he falsely accused the driver of.
Then the driver should have been charged with those offences. Also I have no idea how YOU know he was breaking any traffic laws from that video. The officer onsite indicates the lights are not to be trusted, and “speeding”, I’d love to see how you went about determining that from this video…
The cop played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. In a just world once he heals up he would go to jail for the same crime/time as he falsely accused the driver of. Oh well.
Shower thought back at you: won’t we as a society just move the decimal place? Like maybe this has happened with other currency (I remember stories of devalued cash being carries in a wheelbarrel and used for wallpaper) but say the USD gets so devalued with inflation over time, that you can’t buy even the cheapest in-store item for less than $100. Like a lollypop off the tree is $100.
Wouldn’t we just start calling a hundo a buck and our bank system would do a switchover? One day your account would read $6,878 and the next it would be $69 (nice) and nothing else would change? You were making $420/hour and now its $4/hour.