Only one at a time. Every time you travel the universe shoots away from you at millions of miles an hour.
Only one at a time. Every time you travel the universe shoots away from you at millions of miles an hour.
Hot damn look at that sidekick. What a perfect machine right there. So good the team got hired by Google to port their Hip OS and turn it into Android.
!remind me…awww now I’m sad.
Indeed, but during the time of the fairness doctrine cable was primarily used to watch broadcast networks, but without signal degradation. In other words, most of what people consumed on cable for the first 10-15 years of cable’s existence were broadcast network content. The doctrine could’ve been expanded to cover basic cable networks and 24/7 news instead of scrapped.
I’m not sure that’s true. You have to remember that when the fairness doctrine was still in force everyone got all of their information from broadcast. Even when cable first came on scene and got popular in the late '70s and early '80s, it was simply to improve how well you got your broadcast stations, and maybe give you a chance to have a few additional channels. The idea of basic cable took years before it took off.
Only if you know which way the planet is moving in the universe and how fast. Travelling in space doesn’t mean gravity is going to magically do your exact positioning for you.