It doesn’t even work like that: only the “extra” revenue above 400k would be subject to the 90% tax, everything below that would still be subject to standard tax rates
It doesn’t even work like that: only the “extra” revenue above 400k would be subject to the 90% tax, everything below that would still be subject to standard tax rates
Just out of curiosity, is it commonly thought outside of France that Macron is anywhere close to left-wing ?
He’s been campaigning for a week on a plateforme that’s basically just “The left is just as bad as the far right”, several of his ministers have clearly stated that they would vote blank in case of a duel between the left and the far-right in the runoffs, and he’s repeatedly called the left a “danger for democracy”
You seem to be under the impression that Macron is fine with the left winning.
He’s definitely not: he’s been viciously attacking the left for years now, and has just last Sunday accused them of being antisemitic, antirepublican and antiparlentarist.
His Minister of Justice said in an interview that, in case of a duel between the left and the far-right during the election runoffs, he would vote for neither.
His prime minister keeps saying in Interviews that the left represents chaos for the country.
What Mélenchon thinks is of little consequence. All the left parties have put together the baselines of a common program, and supporting Ukraine is a big part of it.
Mélenchon is too disliked by the rest of the left to be considered for PM if it comes to that anyway, and all other potentiel candidates are strongly in favour of helping Ukraine.
Ah. No, what he basically did is gamble on the fact that the left couldn’t unite and that his candidates would face against the far-right, so he could once again campaign on the platform of “The only two options are me or the fascists”.
The fact that the left managed to put aside their differences and unite completely took him by surprise and he now has to actually campaign. His main argument now is that the left is just as bad as the far-right and that he’s the only reasonable person in the room.
You were right to think he didn’t have it in him, because he definitely doesn’t.
Unless, hear me out, god is a golden retriever and needs to be reminded how much of a good boy He is
Thank you for that, my brain was stuck on “Chupacabra”
Too late, I’ve now gotten 20% more obnoxiously french
It’s very reminiscent of the Paris commune, where Parisian pre-marxist socialists were killed almost to the last by the french army after they’d built a short-lived commune. It was basically the end of the Proudhonist idea of socialism (no gods, no masters), which provided space for Marxism to take over in France and particularly in Paris.
No offense intended since I’m fully incapable of pronouncing tons of English words properly (fuck “squirrel” specifically), but as a Frenchman who has lived near Mulhouse for a few years and interacted with a lot of foreign students, what you said probably wasn’t close to being the exact same as that guy
That is the face of a man 1 BJ away from passing out
Who would win in a fight? A half-naked militiaman with a bronze sword or a soldier in full armor with a steel katana?
Don’t get me wrong, Greek hoplites were great in formation for their time period, but the individual spartan was basically just a decently fit dude
Honestly the endgame was pretty fun as well on face value if a bit barren, it’s the midgame that was super disappointing to me. Overall it’s a decent game imo, it just set expectations way too high and couldn’t deliver
I wish brands would stop trying to be funny
The math is a bit more complicated since there are multiple tax brackets below 400k, but that’s the general idea yeah