Ok but hear me out, devil’s advocate, gaming is and has been one of the cheapest forms of entertainment for a long time, and production costs have increased significantly.
Ok but hear me out, devil’s advocate, gaming is and has been one of the cheapest forms of entertainment for a long time, and production costs have increased significantly.
Just waiting for it to leave early access
My Landroid is cool. AMA I guess?
I mean technically it will be the dark side of the moon. It’ll just be the same side we normally see. A super fast new moon if you will.
It’s okay, just practice getting the water to bead, that’ll help a lot, and if something gets stuck, plastic or wood scrapers and barkeeper’s friend will help.
Sometimes I’ve also boiled stuck on food, that’s helped it release too.
And worst case, you make mistakes and can learn from them, no harm no foul I’d say!
“looks like an LED oh wait it’s in front of the LED” thanks brain
My wife still does eggs in the cast iron, which is fine, anything that gets stuck on we just scrape off.
Cast iron is extra post cleaning care Stainless steel is extra cooking and cleaning care. Get barkeeper’s friend.
No toxic forever chemicals for me.
If you don’t use metal, and don’t overheat the pan it should be fine, but once I learned ss/ci I got rid of all my non stick and never looked back.
Google “stainless steel water test” but basically the water starts sliding around on the pan.
For eggs it needs to be hot enough to just maintain this effect, or else they can burn and start sticking again. You can also add a bit of oil at this point but it’s not strictly necessary and can cause smoke depending on the oil used.
Unfortunately the quality of your pan also has an effect here. 3-5 layer “all clad” is best. But if you wound up with partial clad like me (the kind with a visible disk on the bottom) the section that isn’t clad will almost always get at least a bit of food stuck to it.
Learning stainless steel imo also takes more patience if you’re on electric, because you’ll need to wait longer for the temperature to settle, but not impossible. I switched to magnets! If you want to give magnets a shot, but don’t want to spend $2000+, you can get an induction hot plate online for ~$100
You can get similar non stick properties from learning to use cast iron or stainless steel. If you’re interested, I’d say start with cast iron, it’s cheaper and while you’re still learning how to make it non-stick super easy to clean by literally scratching it with chainmail!
Stop using non-stick* Switch to cast iron for cheap or stainless steel for fancy
You know it’s “hindsight is 20/20” though, right? Like" hindsight is perfect vision"
Live in a state that banned billboards. Usually forget till I go to a state that still has them but 10/10 do recommend ban!
I’m not sure about that, hypoxia could be a fun time. CO2 poisoning would just be sleepy… So not as fun I guess. Waiting to die would definitely be lame though.
Take this one step further and make it into so many bank accounts, they’re free after all!
One bank account for only the things you know don’t change each month (rent, insurance exc)
Another account for things you can estimate each month (house gas, electricity exc)
I like another account for things like groceries and car gas after that, I find there a bit less predictable than things like electricity.
A few savings accounts for emergencies, trip planning, exc.
Finally one account for fun money to spend each month.
The beauty comes when you set them all up for automatic transfer and bill pay and only have to think about most of it once or twice per year!
So it’s removing French from your system. Sounds like a useful tool on Linux if you don’t speak French! Be sure to run as sudo though