Cock-and-ball sink
Cock-and-ball sink
Perhaps the only good thing about living in Arizona is that I don’t have to deal with daylight savings time. We have too much daylight here as it is
This is more of a lemmypisspost but I’ll let it slide
My favorite rebuttal to the idea that the Confederacy seceded in order to preserve States’ Rights is this excerpt from the Confederate constitution:
Article I Section 9(4): No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.
If states rights were so important to the Confederacy, I have to wonder why their constitution stripped the states of the right to abolish slavery in any capacity.
Technically, it stripped ALL legislatures of the ability to restrict slavery in any way, making slavery a permanent feature of the Confederate government.
Maybe OP thought this community was for Shit Posting rather than Shitposting
Sounds like she saved you a lot of trouble, lol