And I though Peter Cushing’s appearance in Rogue One was a bit uncanny valley…
And I though Peter Cushing’s appearance in Rogue One was a bit uncanny valley…
It’s not evolution, it’s an extinction event.
Statistically, competition is for losers.
Coming from the UK generation that grew up during the decimalisation process, and therefore being equally comfortable with both systems, imperial measures are far less intuitive than metric. Don’t mistake simply being being used to something as it being intuitive.
We use a base 10 numeric system because that’s how many fingers & thumbs we have. Having a system of weights and measures based on that decimal system, is far more intuitive than a system that scales up through orders of distance using different scaling factors at ever order, is so unintuitive as to be absurd.
If you want to go down that path, a password is only security by obscurity.
Port knocking is an extra layer of security, and one that can stop attackers from ever knowing your private server even exists. A random scanner won’t even see any open ports.
Always bear in mind that any random guy advising people not to use port knocking may be doing it with malicious intent. I’m sure there’s someone out there advising that random passwords are a waste of time, and everyone should just use monkey123.
Ha. Never a truer summary of Google’s competence in anything other than spamming adverts at you.
Google never stood for anything other than making as much money as possible. Sergio Brin and Larry Page only coined the whole “Don’t be Evil” shtick to fool people into thinking they had more privacy with Google than with Microsoft’s Bing search engine. Neither were any kind of moralist.
“So we supported them by finding material on which we could work through together."
The question here is “How do you separate the child’s desire to learn maths from the desire for your attention /company?” , if your attention is predicated on working through maths problems together.
There are some great comments on that thread absolutely ripping the piss out of Reddit. I almost wish I hadn’t deleted my account, just so I could upvote them ;-)
I doubt more than 6 people at Google knew what it was.