I’m on it daily. A ton of hours between watching videos and enjoying the music catalogue. It’s definitely the only reason I don’t mind paying premium. No complaints.
Got sick of Reddit. Unchained and found myself here. Looking forward to reading a lot. ☕👽
I’m on it daily. A ton of hours between watching videos and enjoying the music catalogue. It’s definitely the only reason I don’t mind paying premium. No complaints.
Oh my god… 0_0
Nomnomnom! That looks good. 😍
ฅ•ﻌ•ฅ 💕
Supply them with the best weapons. This madness has to end.
Perhaps my first controversial post here. Hmm. No, I’ll be decent. But seriously? Fuck the elites. Fuck them hard.
sees this just as the contemplation of sleep hit
I shall. 😁
nods accordingly 😄
It’s absurd at this point. Feel like we’re being punked or in a very strange simulation. Jeez.
So much so.
Yeah, it’s because he was a man and not a horrible human. Gotcha.