•This dog looks so cute with this wig 🥰English
1 year agostrange clicking noises Grudge dog!
strange clicking noises Grudge dog!
Least he went out baked as hell! Lol
I am so sorry…there’s got to be a way to fix it or patch it back together.
Holy cow she’s beautiful!!
Ahh thank you for the tip! And yeah I know they should be in smaller pots but its all I have at the moment 🤣
Started from a seed a week ago. The one is the clay pot I plated as a seed right into the dirt. The other two I sprouted in a wet paper towel. It’s not much but it’s my first try ever. Seeds came out gLeaf Star Child. Outdoor grow only. I have no room inside my house to have the inside sadly.
Only the best information cause from a guy like that come on man!🤣
Yup, I totally agree with this. liftoff works really well. Im waiting for Sync.
I lost 2 due to extreme heat a few weeks back but one is still trucking along!👍🏻