Peasant uprisings are so much work though 😩
Peasant uprisings are so much work though 😩
Was this before or after you tried a few way more complicated approaches to the task that were unnecessarily complex and didn’t work out?
I mean… There’s videos of it suddenly doing an update in the middle of people’s gaming/work sessions lol. I used to stream way back when windows updates were at their troll peak and had one kick off in the middle of a stream. It just happened randomly to some of us regardless of what was scheduled. I don’t imagine it happened more than once for too many people. Generally speaking it’s pretty good about sneaking updates in even though I detest how aggressive it is about them
It’s like a jack in the box effect because you know it’s coming but your soul still leaves your body when it goes off lol
I mostly heard about it from TikTok tbh. Been hearing about it all month but I also follow a lot of space channels on there so that’d be why lol
Wow those colors are almost otherworldly how pretty
Here’s another neat one:
Yeah the fuckery that they pull when they list things as grass fed and free range is vile. Then they make a profit on top of it because they barely change anything but charge premium prices for the fancy label.
I’m lucky to have a beef farm in my state that ships locally and actually follows the spirit of grass fed up to grass finished in sprawling pastures. They also do individual slaughter. For eggs we’ve got a few locals that bring them to the farmers markets on Sundays. Beef is like a once a week thing for us these days and it’s usually just ground beef. Chicken and fish are our biggest sources of protein now. I don’t really do pork anymore. Can’t find any that’s remotely close to ethically sourced which is abysmal considering how intelligent pigs are. So I just stopped buying it.
Also, and I’m fully aware this could just be some kinda subconscious bias, but I swear the meat and eggs taste SO much better than the stuff from the grocery. Eggs especially. The yolks are so vibrant and hardly break when being fried. Even the shells seem stronger and less likely to shatter into tiny annoying bits.
I never said they were? I’m not even a vegetarian stop being so sensitive. I don’t care for making anything suffer when I can still have eggs without the suffering. It’s that simple. If you’ve based too much of your personality on macho meathead bullshit then do you boo. I’m sure that’s a great replacement for an actual personality.
My hobby is starting new hobbies not getting good at them 😔
Except for the part where they’re kept in small cages or “free range” in dirty cramped pens. Luckily it’s easier to get eggs from chickens raised ethically than meats. You just gotta fork over a few extra bucks or get the hookup at a farmer’s market
Ah yeah I hear that. Just FYI a lot of people with “oily” skin actually have very dry skin that’s producing extra oil to compensate. Happened to me I was told my skin was oily my whole life until a few years ago. Against everything I believed I tried some moisturizer at the suggestion of someone on reddit and it was like getting new skin over the course of a couple weeks. HUGE difference. Same thing for my scalp. Shampoo etc for oily hair wasn’t working because my scalp wasn’t oily. It was making it more dry and making the oil problem worse lmao. Just throwing that out there because it was a real game changer for me. Nowadays it’s super rare for me to get that terrible burning in my eyeballs from my stupid face oil.
I do recommend anyone reading this to get face moisturizer specifically. Especially if you don’t like the feel of lotion because it’s usually a lot less greasy and rubs in better. Get some cheap stuff and give it a shot you never know.
Edit to also mention that I stopped suffering from pretty bad face face acne, which I’d suffered from for decades, with this change too.
Hold on let me Google it…
Sorry, just seven pages of ads about vacuums because I bought one six months ago and links that all go to the same regurgitated article that only vaguely mentions it 🙃
Yeah yeah. Go ban some more children’s books about it
Weren’t there some studies that showed a link from hearing loss to dementia? Might want to shoot those studies to him maybe it’ll help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You gotta grandma that shit up and get the little grippers that go on the arms of the glasses behind your ears. I’m telling you it’s game changing. They’re basically goggles because they no longer yeet themselves off your face. If only there was a solution to them fogging up with masks. I’ve tried so many things that go in or over masks and they never work. Absolute rage point for me I can’t stand it. I switch to contacts for masks now so I can retain my sanity.
Lucky for me I live in a desert wasteland so I just have to withhold water and it’s toast. Nothing but the the strongest desert plants can survive in my yard without my help lol
The you find it in a spot you’ve looked over thoroughly multiple multiple times 😠