• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Here’s the problem, it’s a solution to a problem nobody had. Never once have I heard someone say “well it’s a solid phone but God I just wish it didn’t have that pesky 3.5mm headphone jack!” It’s just another feature stripped from the phone to clearly get you to buy more shit. I don’t want yet another damn thing I have to charge. I dont want to deal with keeping track of two tiny ass earbuds and if I lose one I gotta get a whole new pair. I don’t want to deal with the fact that now if I want to listen to wired I have to buy more shit like an adapter and if I lose those headphones, now I gotta buy another one of those along with new headphones. And I hate that if I do go wireless and lose them or they break, I can’t fall back on wired because it’s not even an option unless I happen to also have the adapter.

    It’s just another in a long line of clear middle fingers to consumers and it’s annoying. Does it like ruin the phone and the experience of a phone? Of course not. Is it a completely pointless pain in the ass with the obvious and sole purpose of funneling consumers into buying a cycle of products they almost definitely don’t need and don’t already have? Absolutely. And for that I say they can eat a big bag of crap.

  • It’s like catching a little kid in a lie and they just keep on making up more and more hilarious crap to cover the initial lie. Each lie builds on itself requiring a bigger, more ridiculous lie to cover it up and before you know it, you went from who ate the missing yogurt to now the sky is a glass dome, the sun is a giant flashlight that the government turns on and off and the moon only glows because of magical glow worms that live on its surface

  • I’ve been in this game for a good bit now and while I’ve seen a bunch of go getters put in ridiculous hours and slave away and actually get promoted, I have seen faaaaaaar more just get promoted for being in the right place at the right time or, most times, being the child, spouse, in-law, or friend of someone high up in the company. In my experience your social standing or just plain luck accounts for about 90% of it. The other 10% isn’t the work you do, it’s the work they think you do.

  • That’s really interesting. I’ve lived in 9 states and I can honestly say that outside of the southeast, it is legitimately difficult to consistently find people that dont think the us is a flaming sack of shit or at least headed that way. Seriously, I’ve heard waaaaaaaaaaaaay more negative talk on the us from Americans than anything positive. Especially in like the last decade. But this place is so damn big that anyone’s experience would vary a crazy amount so that makes sense.

  • I would guess this varies a ton from place to place as you are legally not obligated to do this in many states. In my situation for example, you have to use vacation for sick days. It’s all one bucket of time. If you’re very lucky your manager may not count a sick day against your paid time off but technically it should count as the same. So if you get sick for 2 days, you usually have to use 2 days of your vacation/paid time off time for the year.

    Also in my current place. Your vacation does not roll over. It gets paid out at the end of the year. So if you somehow don’t use the time you’re given they will just pay you as tho you worked all those hours. This is to discourage those from saving their time for like a month long vacation.

  • Exaaaactly. I get 2 weeks vacation/PTO/sick days all year. That’s 10 days. I need to reserve at least 5 of those for potential sick days (either for me or to take care of the family or whatever), go to doctor appointments, take car in to mechanic, stay home for air conditioner to be worked on or whatever. That kind of stuff. Then I use at least 2 or 3 over the year for holidays like thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas so I can take care of the parents and family members that are in town.

    So that leaves me with about 2-3 days all year for an actual vacation… If I go anywhere overseas I’m using pretty much 2 full days for travel there (travel there, travel back). So if I try to max it out I can realistically go on a legitimate vacation overseas for maaaaybe 1 or 2 days. Like a weekend trip to Italy or something. Nice 👍. it sucks so much. I am so jealous of people that go to like London for 2 weeks or a week long cruise or something. Only once in my life have I gone anywhere for a week or longer on vacation during my work career. The only way I could do it was to go on unpaid leave during that time.