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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I think it’s possible to recognise that valid concerns are hijacked for other purposes without needing to take a stance against the concerns themselves though.

    IE I think child porn is a bad thing and we should work as a society to address it in a multi-faceted way. I also think that using that as a way to gain legal capabilities to infringe on people’s rights in a way that is not actually related to the prevention of child porn is also a bad thing. Those aren’t mutually exclusive ideas. Though I did see the claim that he was 16 at the time he wrote it, so it’s possible he worked that out later?

  • we often combine grabbing food or taking a break from driving with stopping a charger. It does take a bit more planning but we have a lot more control over our time in these situations. In practice, it does not feel like much of an imposition.

    While you might decide not to, you ought to be planning those same stops irrespective of fuel or range. Even if you have a magic sci-fi car with it’s own micro cold fusion generator good for a 1000 years, you should still be planning the exact same rest stops for your driver.

  • on the remaining you wouldn’t mind a coffee break to stretch your legs once in a while. Yes that even applies to travelling salesmen and the like: Go stretch your legs and run some numbers while you charge (but the X days out of Y will look different).

    Forget “wouldn’t mind”, you (one) absolutely owe it to other road users to take those breaks. It just isn’t safe to drive continuesly for hours and hours without them. You aren’t magically the exception, you are a human being like everyone else and you are not a safe driver after hours of unbroken driving. Without exception (and that does include professional drivers who sadly are contractually required to do so.)

  • It always amazes me that people are like “but I can’t drive it for 7 straight hours without having to stop for 15 minutes!”

    Like… Get the fuck off my roads you dangerous dickheads. If you drive an electric cross country you’ll be charging it for as long as and as regularly as the minimum amount of breaks you must take in order to drive safely. Just fucking do it even if you’re in a fossil fuel car that technically could let you avoid taking those breaks. Why are people like this‽

  • People are confusing (probably due to intentional prompting by those trolls trying to have bystanders fight their battles for them) the very real problem on Reddit that if you chase karma there were benefits to be had in terms of credibility and reach of your messaging and so whatever entities might benefit from such would tend to fill the space over in Reddit with content like that. Realistically that doesn’t change the most common content much as it really comes down to the sort of thing people will upvote but it did make it a bit worse. That’s being confused with some notion that somehow anyone who wasn’t chasing karma was entirely ignored. That just isn’t true. You might not be the absolute center of attention unless you’ve either post or said something especially worthwhile but so what?

  • True. But then you got 1 karma for every comment you made anywhere on the site and often the requirement was like 50 karma.

    Restricting posts to users who have managed to make a maximum of 50 comments that didn’t overwhelmingly piss everyone off isn’t actually very restrictive.

    I really don’t buy into any of this “oh, you had to only say what people wanted you to say!” handwringing. I never once saw a user with negative karma who wasn’t just there to actively cause trouble. I’m quite certain this notion that you had to subscribe to some sort of groupthink to make it through the karma system originates from a very tiny number of people who perceive not being actively anti-social in a social space as oppressive persecution of their “totally valid” “alternative opinions”. By all means, show me accounts that were actually participating in good faith that were pushed out of the conversation by the karma system and I’ll loudly complain with you on their behalf.

    But you can’t do that. Because they’re always some flavour of racist nazi troll dickhead.

    I said whatever the hell I wanted and was frequently confrontational or contrarian and still had some embarrassingly high amount of karma simply because I participated a lot and wasn’t actively there to fuck things up by intentionally being a toxic edge-lord troll.

  • Just like me trying to avoid sweeteners for decades now because I suspect they might turn out to be bad for you (and noone has ever tried to suggest they are actively good for you…) If it turns out you’re wrong, you’ve lost very little, if it turns out you’re right then there’s no way to retroactively undo the harm.

    I have a fairly sensitive sense of taste and if I eat an unwashed fruit with a rind and manage to touch the actual fruit without washing my hands after touching the rind, I can often taste a bitter chemical flavour that otherwise isn’t there. How harmful those chemicals may be and how exposed I’d be without directly transfering them to the food or to my mouth (or eyes or whatever) I’m unsure (and, tbh, while I always wash oranges and stuff, I often eat bananas unwashed as there’s no need for the outside to come into direct or indirect contact with the actual fruit itself.) I’d still prefer to just not eat whatever it is if I can trivially avoid it (both for possible safety reasons and just not having my food taste like bitter chemicals reasons.)