Did you even read his comment dude?
Did you even read his comment dude?
The USSR did most of the work beating the nazis. America helped.
Very few countries, if any, give legal preferance to one ethnicity except for israel. China is almsot entirely chinese people, but if a white person moves there they are not discriminated against by the government.
The potato famine happened because Britain stole all of Ireland’s potato’s. There were ships full of potatoes leaving Ireland regularly. There was no actual issue with growing food, except that potatoes were too cheap for the capitalists to profit off ofby selling them back to the Irish.
America, because we can stop lighting our money on fire in Ukraine, and fix our infrastructure instead.
People have written me your exact comment but subbing in about 5 different countries. Makes me think it was actually obvious what Hitler wanted, which is clearly different from what Putin wants.
How exactly is this the same as Nazi Germany? What, they both started a war?
LMAO, that is exactly what I think, though I don’t think ive ever put it that well. It’s quite obvious that America is trying to expand it’s reach to include Ukraine, and that is fundamentally a big threat to Russia, seeing as America has made NATO into the “Fuck Russia” club. It’s kind of insane that westerners will rightly say the Russian version of imperialism is wrong, but have no issue with the American version, despite all of South and Central America being living proof of how destructive it is. It’s legitimately MORE harmful to overthrow a government and install a bloodthirsty dictator who ruins your economy for decades to come than it is to bomb cities and engage in traditional warfare.
And in case anyone thinks that was all 20th century stuff, America certainly is not done doing this, they attempted to enact the typical playbook in 2018 in Venezuela (again), by declaring their puppet, Juan Guiado, the winner of an election that was won fairly by Maduro, on top of the mercenaries sent to assassinate Maduro.
Almost as if there are people who disagree with you…
Oh man I hope so, America needs to stop screwing around in other people’s business. The only Americans who benefit from wars are those who sell the bombs. If Putin decides he’s gonna be a real problem, fight him then. Otherwise we are just lighting all our money on fire (literally) for no gain.
Really not a high bar, tbh. Just don’t promote slavery along with maintaining the exact status quo that lead to wizard hitler, and you’re miles ahead.
Damn, I really should have explicitly formulated that comment as a question asking whether my current beliefs are wrong, rather than stating incorrect opinions as a fact. Wait, hold on a second… I did do that!
At least in my opinion, Hamas is the good guys. They are also labeled as an extremist group. So are we actually wrong to say ISIS is universally bad? I mean, both groups took power is response to foreign invaders just full on wrecking their shit constantly. Both groups employed Gorilla warfare to most effectively damage a far superior military. I’ve been recognizing more and more lately that America is almost always the bad guys in wars. So does that imply that ISIS was actually the good guys?
For most people the imperial system is better. Fahrenheit puts 0-100 in relation to how humans feel heat, 0 is very cold, 100 is very hot, neither will kill you if you take minor precautions. Feet are the same, most everyday objects are spread across 0-10 feet long/tall. Using celsius and meters requires using a scale between -18 and 38, and a scale between 0 and 3.3. Both are clearly inferior number ranges to use when we arent required to.