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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • When I was studying CS I had a few courses on UX/UI design and the most interesting fact I learned there when looking for papers is: ~half the high profile researchers in the UX/UI field are on Microsoft payroll, and everything Microsoft does is highly inconsistent to contrary to all the insights of their own researchers. I think they buy as many of those people off the market as they can, just so they don’t work for somebody else, while shitting on their work, so their UX/UI just doesn’t look as bad in comparison to others.

  • Hundreds of companies have tried to solve this exact problem for years and already did the cost/benefit analysis. It turns out that writing almost all of your code exactly once is cheaper than doing it in the multiple stacks that would be required with whatever your dream architecture is.

    Right … that must be why no website ever is trying push their mobile app on me, and why all complex software for developing, video and graphics editing, CAD, … is implemented on web stacks.

    You sound like someone with zero practical experience in this area […]

    You sound like someone who’s replacable by ChatGPT.

    […] who just wants to rant about code purity.

    At least you got that (partially) right.

    The rest of us are trying to get shit done […]

    Exactly my point: all you get done in web stacks is shit. And the trying is spot on: what do you really expect to come out the other end when the input is shit?

    […] while you pine for a perfect technology stack that will never exist.

    I don’t even have to do that, though improvements never hurt. Just take any C-Style language other than JavaScript or any other dynamically typed abomination of a scripting language, and you’re bound to be happier and more productive.

  • At least C has a working equals operator. Go on, tell me about ===, invite the ridicule. I bet I know more about JavaScript than you do. I hate it because I am intimately familiar with it.

    // no equality comparison, but that shit is funny

    Any proper programming language wouldn’t even compile any of that nonsense.

    And something being widespread doesn’t mean it’s either right or good - look at religions.

  • You forgot to read the very small fineprint after the rant hyperbole: *) true for desktop applications. You could go with C++ and QT. Though, writing C++ code is never easy/fun (still better than JavaScript, though). Any argument about natively compiled multi platform GUI applications regarding mobile is moot either way for multiple reasons. The angle I’m going to push here is: Everybody and his mother tries to push their custom iOS and Android apps, relegating web sites to the desktop. Any multi platform GUI toolkit with a cross-compilable language will give you twice the functionality in half the development time over HTML+CSS+JavaScript. And don’t get me wrong: I’m not really suggesting that websites have no place. And there are good reasons to want websites. I’m trying to paint a picture what a horrible absolute clusterfuck the web GUI technology stack is.

  • I’ve seen people, lead and principal engineers, who refuse to learn modern JS, insisting that since it was bad in 2006 its bad today.

    It’s still bad, though. That’s not the reason why, but it still is. All the frameworks and things like TypeScript try to work around and hide the uglyness and stupidity of JavaScript, but they neither remove nor fix it. The way HTML was initially designed is the exact opposite of how it is used. It was intended to present data in a standardized way and leave the rendering and styling to the client application. People tried to create pixel-perfect designs with it. The entire resulting technology stack was created by idiots for idiots. And JavaScript is consistent in the misguidedness of the endeavor. All the marketing talk about platform independence is bullshit. It is easier to write platform independent GUI applications in C than in HTML + CSS + JavaScript. All the frameworks and languages transpiling to JavaScript trying to belie that just lead to a breeding ground of incompetent GUI developers doing esotheric coding (“doing it the way it is done” while understanding zilch about the fundament). The resulting developers are useless outside of their steaming pile of web GUI shit. The least worse of them are the ones promoting and perpetuating this failed technology stack by adding further layers of abstraction to try and hide that it is build on and from shit, creating even more esoteric developers in the process - by idiots, for idiots. Web GUI developers are paid less than any other branch of developers and it is completely justified.

  • I don’t dehumanize anybody.

    In this thread you seem to be, because I’m the only party criticizing it. And if you had read what I wrote that should be pretty clear to you.

    I just correctly recognize the threat that bigotry poses to society, especially if allowed to grow and gain power.

    Not in this thread. Maybe you generally do, but I don’t see any shred of elaboration on that here.

    That threat is very much human and we can never allow ourselves to forget that.

    Like dehumanizing is a very (negative) human trait. Which I layed out and critisized in detail in my comment you opted not to read after the first line.

    Evil tends to be very banal.

    As in “Nazis are not humans” or “violence against Nazis is OK”? Spoiler alert: That’s dehumanization in action. And that’s what I’m criticizing.

  • No we, are not. Because you use Nazi colloquially as a slur for people right of you who you don’t agree with. I use Nazi correctly to refer to NSDAP members. As you want Nazis dead, I can reassure you, because 99.999% are. The literal hand full of Nazis still living is 97+ years old.

    It should be abundently clear from what I wrote, that I’m critizing dehumanizing generally and without exception.

    Fuck █████ and only good one is a dead one. Punch a █████ in the face.

    Fill in the blanks randomly and see what’s wrong with it. My point is, it’s always wrong. I’m not defending Nazi-ideology or neo-Nazis (I am very opposed to both), I’m critisizing you and others for participating in dehumanization. And I’m pointing out, that your way of talking about them is ironic (and tragic), because dehumanization was a core part of Nazi ideology and strategy.

    Fyi: My quote of you with the blanks would be considered a call for violence and Volksverhetzung (hard to translate, but “incitement of the people” comes closest) in Germany. There just was a public case where leftists were convicted because their extreme words were followed by extreme actions.

    And I’d really like to know, what you think the implementation of “Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one” could, would, or should be!? Hunt them down like animals? Just every citizen shooting them on sight? Putting them in concentration camps and create some Endlösung (final solution ⟶ gas chamber)?

  • I’m not going to join your ride on the slippery slope of dehumanization. You need to get to grips with the reallity that your rosy fiction of what humans should be is not what humans are. Your jump to dehumanization is a perfect illustration of a not so nice human trait that enabled some of the most horrible episodes of human history. Be better than that.