Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The best part is that this is just run of the mill environmental imbalances for the planet. It’s faced far worse scenarios than this. Even if we caused nuclear holocaust, the planet has seen similar natural events in the past.

    Even if the ocean dies right now, it’s happened before and after a few million years it all came back.

    So in the scale of millions of years … the planet is just suffering from a flu.

    It’s us that will be destroyed and eliminated in the process.

    From the planet’s perspective, we aren’t a civilization, we’re a temporary infection.

  • In that same vein of logic … they should name the Highway Construction Worker as our Provincial Animal at this point.

    If only we could come up with a new more modern way of transporting heavy goods … like mass transports … using only one giant powerful engine … with trailers of goods all tied together by the dozens … on a sturdy road … maybe made of iron … we could build these roads specifically just for these massive transports, separate from the public to keep people safe and save our roads from damage.

  • Whoops … wrong thread (I am rewording my original response to this)

    Trucks gained all importance because it meant it all consumed more oil and gas instead of saving energy by having trains. Why would corporations spend tens of thousands on fuel for a train pulling tons of material across the country when they could spend billions and billions of endless fuel on millions of transport trucks destroying roads made of oil and asphalt that have to be repaired on an annual basis?

  • I would join the same protest… but then later that week I’d join the next protest demanding they fix the road I just asked them not to work on.

    It’s frustrating in northern Ontario because the combination of cold winters and lots and lots of heavy transport trucks every day means that our roads are no good after about four years.

    Which means we only have two highway seasons …

    Winter Season and Construction Season

  • Got it … I didn’t know instances could censor out certain words … it makes sense though

    I try to be careful with my posts and commenting to try to stay in line with rules and decorum but I find myself often tripping over my own tongue either with the words I misuse or the ideas I spit out without thinking

    The ‘R’ word here is a bit of a stretch as the word can be used in ways that have nothing to do with personal insults or degradation … but I do understand why it needs to be controlled because it’s been used so abusively on the internet

    It’s another item I will have to be careful about so thanks for the heads up.